New-ish and not sure whats wrong, help plz!

Hello everyone I'm newish to my fitness pal. Ive tracked off and on for a few months but not too accurately. Anyways I'm about 5'7 and my weight fluctuates between 123-127. Im currently doing Craig Capurso's 30 days out program in the second week. Im averaging eating around 1450-1960 cals a day. But today I woke up to go do the leg workout for the week and for some reason was feeling terrible. No energy, legs already exhausted from cardio this past week. I got there, got five mins into my routines ( squats 10* 3-4) and I just decided to leave. Im not sure why I kinda felt like I was going to hurt myself because my strength felt so low, its been getting progressively worse of the last week or weeks, but today an all new low. My parents suggest I take the weekend off and eat more but I just cant! Can anyone help me or give some advice about my situation? Thanks


  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    I felt that way today.. and just pushed through it. I know for me I am not eating enough.. but also I know I have been kicking my butt in my workouts so my body is worn out..
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    I take Sundays off.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    You are already pretty light for a guy. My best guess would be that you are not eating enough to support the activities you are attempting to do.
  • sethtt94
    sethtt94 Posts: 12 Member
    I Was considering taking the day off today and just picking back up tomorrow and replacing my sunday rest day but im not sure
  • kittykat1994
    kittykat1994 Posts: 149 Member
    You are on the border of being underweight which could explain why you are feeling this way.

    I worked out your TDEE on this site here --->

    If you lightly exercise (1-3 hours a week) then your TDEE (maintenance goal) would be 2160 calories per day.

    The amount you are eating would make you lose weight, and at the weight you are, you should not lose weight. I think gaining a few pounds may even be beneficial.

    Please eat more and work out your TDEE on the above website and eat no less than that.
  • sethtt94
    sethtt94 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the reply! Do you have any suggestions on how to increase my calories to that point? and would you advise to stay on the same workout routine? this is what Im currently doing
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    This is personal opinion here. I think that what you are trying to accomplish is building muscle, rather than losing weight. If that is correct, use the calculator from kittykat's post:

    Enter in your information, and indicate in step 6 that you want to 'clean bulk.' This will give you a calorie number which is slightly higher than your maintenance number which should allow you to build some muscle mass. Eating low calorie and building muscle do not generally happen at the same time.

    I hope you realize the guys in the pictures on that link you provided have spent years developing that muscle mass and that you can gain muscle, but you won't be looking like that at the end of the program. I don't really have any suggestions for weight training, I am just starting to lift myself, and being a girl, I won't be looking like that at all.

    If I am incorrect with my thoughts, hopefully someone will provide you with more appropriate information.
  • sethtt94
    sethtt94 Posts: 12 Member
    Alright thanks forth reply I have taken the last three days off from the gym and counting calories ( Hopefully this wont have set me back :( ) and plan to start fresh tomorrow, new calorie goal and workout plan. If you have any suggestions on how many calories to start out at or a new intense workout plan that would be great!
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Calorie dense foods are nuts/seeds, avocados, oils (fish oils/olive oil), peanut butter, whole milk, these are easy ways of pushing up the calories, you just need to decide what your macros are and how they fit in with them (i.e. nuts will be high in protein and fats).
    Maybe also check out the Gaining Weight posts, might be some ideas in there for you.