How often should you run/walk?

I just started getting into jogging/walking outside at my local park, before that I was just doing some workout videos from youtube about once a week (I'm planning to do them more often though!) But anyway, I was wondering if I should walk-jog a little- walk about 4-5 times a week and increase the jogging every week or should I do something else? I can't afford the gym due losing my job and living w/my parents, although we have a pool that's never used and I did find ways to use canned foods as weights. XD But if you have any advice or suggestions for other forms of exercises that are for beginners and free, let me know. :)


  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    You can do cardiovascular exercise (walking, running, videos, swimming) everyday. Some people like to take a day off per week but you don't have too.