116 Pounds to Lose and I Can Use Your Support

I have been dealing with weight issues since I was a teen. My mom saw me step on the scale and I was 5 lbs over weight and she said "you better o something about that sweety or it's gonna get out of control". She didn't offer any advice, I was 13, so I followed her example of trying the latest fad diet. From that day forward I felt fat. At 5' 3" and 127 lbs I felt like I was as big as a house. It didn't help that my friends were a size 2 to 4 and I was a 10 to 12. I dieted, lost and gained for 30 years ending up at about 160. Around 40 I started peri-menopause and my ability to lose weight stopped, my metabolism just wouldn't do it. My doctor checked my thyroid, it was fine.
The next 20 years were filled with one tragedy after another and the weight kept creeping up. Food became a source of comfort. I ballooned up to 257. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the sort who eats cheeseburgers, and cookies all day. I eat a more vegetarian diet than anything else, never drink soda or diet drinks and rarely have dessert. My downfall is wine at the end of the day, a couple of glasses and with that comes cheese and crackers or pretzels or the like.
I've dealt with IBS for 32 years and have diverticulosis. I am now 57 and feeling the affects of arthritis. I no it's now or never. This week I've stuck with a 1200 calorie a day menu plan and I've lost 4 pounds. I want to take off the weight in 10 pound increments because getting to the next 10 pounds is easier than losing 100+. I need all the support I can get. I will post every day, that's why I'm here.


  • AustinJ12
    AustinJ12 Posts: 4 Member
    I have had an issue with weight all of my life. When I was in my mid-20s i decided I was going to change my life. I lost 90 lbs- i was down to 128. I went to nursing school and gained about 30. Then went i went through a divorce I gained about 50 more. Then i got a sit down job and gained another 20. Then I broke my leg and gained another 50 . I can finally walk for about 20 minutes and I have lost 11lbs. I have about 130 more to go.
  • BlessedHeart
    BlessedHeart Posts: 249 Member
    I sent you a friend request
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Rosana (I like your MFP name!)

    I'm in the process of losing 110 lbs, but I'm doing it through a doctor supervised program. I'm happy to support you though, since losing this weight is much more than a dietary change, it involves addressing emotions and learning new coping strategies. Feel free to add me if you would like! Online support can be wonderful and I wish you all the best on your journey.

    My Blog: optifastadventurer.blogspot.com
  • Sparky1030
    Sparky1030 Posts: 163
    Reading your story and relating to it because it sounds like mine. I've never been small, short, yes, but have battled and been belittled about my weight issues. Unfortunately, out of spite I caved in and ate even more, not a smart thing to do. I like your attitude about taking small steps so the big number doesn't overwhelm you. I've been on more diets, diet pills-per my mother when I was in 4th grade and tried everything else in between. I've finally come into my own person, so to speak, and realized that I need to get healthy or my life will be shortened with the weight I started at. I've lost almost 70 pounds following the same principles I use on MFP because I was on it once before. Even though I have a huge amount of weight yet to lose I look at things one day at a time and try to focus on the small picture rather than the big one. So far it's working and I am also disabled; degenerative arthritis since age 17 and I'm now 60+. I'm limited on mobility and my goal is to lose enough weight to have my knees replaced so I can get back into a walking regimen again. I'm proud of you and your accomplishments; keep up the great work. If you need a cheerleader along the way look me up; Petta1030. YOU WILL DO IT!
  • gretlarson
    gretlarson Posts: 52 Member
    Hi!! I have lost and gained back over 100 pounds twice in my life. I'm hoping this third time is a charm. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Oh! Your story reminds me so much of mine. You can do this!!! That is a great way to think about it in 10 lbs increments. That is how I did it :) I set goals and rewarded myself with non food things for each goal along the way:)