allow me to introduce myself

I'm new to the site and actually the log diary logging diet thing. I'm in need of a change, I want to be and feel healthy. My goal is 60 pounds. I'm a mom of two disabled children going from doctors to doctors, living off fast food and hospital food for far to long. I've recently started making time (even if it means staying up late) to get some exercising in for the day. I'm super confused on the whole calorie counting and why my app deducts the calories I have burned off from my daily calorie intake. I'd really love to make friends to help motivate who can also help motivate me


  • rickysticky305
    my name is HOV, H to da O-V
  • rorieran
    rorieran Posts: 13
    Bless your heart, it sounds like you have a full load! Please feel free to add me as a friend, it is so much easier if we support each other!
  • stickersticker
    stickersticker Posts: 140 Member
    my name is HOV, H to da O-V
    I hear you used to move snowflakes by the O-Z.