Commercial walking

rynsmom0911 Posts: 31
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Day two of my reality and I am happy. I could not get out of the house to walk yesterday so I walked around my house every time a commercial came on for two hours. I was shocked at just how many commercials there are. I felt better about myself. Last night I got on the floor and did 4 sit-ups. Tonight I will do four more and try and increase it as much as I can. I am trying!!


  • MandyTG
    MandyTG Posts: 6 Member
    That's similar to what I do. I save tv shows to watch while I work out. I use an aerobic step and some weights and watch a show on Hulu. Baby steps, right?
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    YOU'RE DOING GREAT! I'm a fan of allowing myself to watch TV but being active during the commercials. It's AMAZING how much house work I can get done (or, for you, how many miles you can walk around your house).

    WAY TO GO!!!

  • I like this idea, mostly cause I hate commercials so much!

    There is a challenge that gradually works you up to 200 situps, you can read up on the technique at

    Great ingenuity and motivation! Keep it up~
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