Feel like giving up and I just started :(

Struggling :( Really want to be on track and losing weight so I can feel better about myself, but i have zero energy when i can finally workout, so I just don't especially when its midnight and I finally have a chance to sleep or workout. I always choose sleep. How do you busy mom's do it? I have 5 year old and almost a 4 month old. I never have time to eat, and so when I do find time its usually not something healthy. I'm a big time pop drinker and I know I shouldn't be especially seems how I nurse my almost 4 month old baby girl. Its just what keeps me going some days. My husband is usually gone Sunday-Tuesday with work, church relate things and whatever else may come up that he can't be home til late. My daughter does not nap most days (yes I know an infant should nap, but she just doesn't at least not very often) so i never have time unless i want to do it late at night but by the time I get the kids in bed my husband comes home so I try to spend time with him. I'm just stretched thin most of these days. Wed-Saturday the kids need my attention or something always happens and prevents me from working out :( I don't know what its gonna take to get the pure motivation I used to have back but I seriously need it again! I need a change. I'm getting so down just looking at myself in the mirror and trying on clothes and they not fit :/


  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    Just log all your food and meet your calorie demands...that's a start... You will still lose weight, even though your not exercising...
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    Stick with it! You can do it:drinker: once you see a few pounds disappear, you will feel motivated and energized...I promise! Also you could get one of those jogging baby strollers, to take your little one with you! When you get home at night, stretch a little bit and then try doing a few 50 yard sprints...it shouldn't take you more then 10 minutes; its a lot better then nothing!! Just continue to log until you get your diet dialed in..,
  • mbrough58
    mbrough58 Posts: 27 Member
    Do you have a stroller for the baby? Walking with the baby will get you out of the house and can give your older child some exercise too! Walking everyday will encourage you. Remember that this is a season of life. Having a new baby and a young child at home takes a lot of time and energy but it won't last forever. Dancing is something most children like to do. Play music you like and dance together. Play games outside. Get an exercise DVD - your children can do it too. Even housework counts as part of your daily activity. Enjoy the time with your children.:smile:
  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    Lilly_the_Hillbilly Posts: 914 Member
    Double stroller and take the kids out for fast walks. I have a 3yr old and an almost 2 yr old. I've paid attention to what I eat and I go for hour long walks and I've lost 16 kilos that way. Most likely you'll have to start subbing out the less than favorable eating habits and weaning your self off them. Go slow and build from there. Once you see that you can get a schedule going you'll find that you can stick to it.
    And I get almost no help from my husband since he's military and often gone. You CAN do it.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I got a double stroller when I had my 2nd child.
    Don't be so hard on yourself (easier said than done). I've really struggled with weight loss after my 2nd baby, I just have to keep pushing on.
    Good luck.
  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    Lilly_the_Hillbilly Posts: 914 Member
    And since you're 4 months post- partum , walking is probably a good way to ease back into working out.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    As for the pop - if you drink diet I wouldn't worry too much. It hasn't impacted my loss at all & I get through a lot! :drinker:
  • prairiemom10
    I agree! You sound like a great mom and wife.:flowerforyou: Give yourself a break ! Your body is still recovering from pregnancy and birth and you are feeding another human person! You are awesome! Try substituting a pop for water - cut down on those empty calories and you'll start to see results . One healthy change will motivate you to make another healthy change. You can and you will do it ! Try to get some activity in earlier in the day even if it means with kids - you are to exhausted at night .:yawn: Be kind to yourself. Take good care of you.:heart:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    That would be hard having an infant that doesn't nap! Geez, when my kids were infants, that's all they did was sleep! I'm sorry! Anywho, since you're breastfeeding, you should be trying to eat as healthy as possible, since what you put in your body, will eventually go into your baby's body. Plus that baby's sucking all the nutrients out of you, which you're probably already low on, which could be contributing to your lack of energy. I know that when I've been eating like crap, I don't feel like exercising either, although I usually do it anyway now, which wasn't the case when I first started. When my 2yo was an infant, I would take him to my exercise classes and either keep him in his carseat, playpen, heightchair, or playstation, and give him some toys and snacks. He would stay in the workout area with me. Some gyms have childcare, as well, which, if they do, will turn out to be a nice break from being Mommy for a little while. You will feel so much better after you exercise! It may wear your butt out at first, and you may want to nap for a while, but that goes away, or atleast it did for me. Most people have a hard time squeezing in workouts, and the time to cook healthy meals, but excuses aren't going to make it happen. If you want it bad enough, you'll get it done.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    Google when you have time healthy recipies .... Pick cheap options if budget Is tight...

    When kids are asleep work out at home.. Google what interests you...
    I'm sorry. But no excuses I've always worked although only have 1 kid.....

    You tube gives you many work outs while kids are asleep.. Just pick something you like
    You can so this.....
  • Briaboo4
    Briaboo4 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Don't give up! You can do it! It took me a year to get back on track after my daughter was born for the same reasons. I either exercise when she's napping or after the kids are in bed. I definitely don't feel like exercising at night but I won't allow myself not to. I agree with the other posters...start logging and keep under your calories and get out walking.
    Dont give up, it requires a lot of organization and planning up front to get in the habit of things. One of the best advice I can give is that you have make yourself a priority in order to better yourself and eventually your family. This is something my wife struggles with as well. The first thing on your mind when you wake up is to get some excercise. Invest in yourself first thing in the morning before any competing priorities take presedence. And your on the right track just by posting for help here. This is one of the best sites with the most supportive and informative people I have ever dealt with.. Good luck
  • leann74016
    leann74016 Posts: 242 Member
    Thank you so much for the encouragement everyone. I know it's possible to get on track bc I lost 20lbs last year using mfp. Just have to get on track again and your encouragement will help. Thank you again!
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    A lot of it is just getting back into the groove. I'm there for another round too. I know from before that it really is possible we just have to get the mindset right. Once it's there you'll be okay again. Life is always throwing new curves at us and we need to come around and makes lemonade out of the lemons... you can do this! You are young, you take good care of those kiddos and you will make the right choices because you want to be your strongest for them. You have to eat well first. Don't diet too much right now, then you can progress to simply moving more, include the kiddos in some of it. I used to use mine as weights! You can do this, you are reaching out so that's a good thing!
  • bigdaddy987
    Believe you can! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAPX4oNofNU

    A little motivational video. You can do anything you put your mind to.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Okay, small steps first. Ditch the soda. Move around more throughout the day. Just do some crunches or something between running hither and yon after the kids.

    And get more sleep, not less. Insufficient sleep really messes with hunger signals. Be easy on yourself, you have a hectic life. But that doesn't mean you can't find little things that will help. One little thing at a time.
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    My biggest suggestion to you is to remember: one step at a time. One more step is more than you took the day before. You don't have to go out and run 3 miles - walk around the block. Take simple steps. Having two children is a lot to deal with and adding too many things at once will just overwhelm you - been there, done that. Make a simple plan of changing something simple - get into a groove and then add something else - slowly. Best of luck! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • cootason
    cootason Posts: 59 Member
    I think you have done an amazing job deciding to change your life and get healthy and fit remember sometimes journeys like this do take a long time it took me years to finally commit to it. when I did I lost over 30 kilograms. having children does make it difficult I have been looking into exercises you can do with your own bodyweight lately so that I could spend more time out with the family but what really helped me when I started this was I joined a health club one with a child minding facility as I was training with a friend. it worked out really well and we both managed to get down to a comfortable weight the best thing is to continually be motivated to change at the beginning search online for some fitness videos and nutrition plans check out one of the free nutrition plans from bodybuilding.com you can look at something like the Bizzy Diet or Jim Stoppani's Shortcut to shred meal plans to give you ideas on some great foods to add to your lifestyle. I like the Bizzy Diet for its short workouts that could be done every day or a few days a week and at home. a motivational point here is if you dont have access to gym equipment you could look up Body weight exercises that target the same muscles or better and follow a similar circuit plan and be done in 20 mins while at home with your family :) Never Give up stay positive and take your time.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    Don't give up! You have made 2 humans in 4 years!!!! You are still here (MFP) , so you are moving in the right direction!

    Motherhood is the hardest thing! Always being needed sucks the life right out of you! Plus ,having a crazy schedule doesn't help!

    A few thoughts:

    Do you drink caffienated soda? I think that can go through breast milk? Maybe that is keeping baby up???

    Build up your circle of friends, both those in the same boat (with young children) and those that can remind you that this too shall pass! Commiseration can help you feel less stressed!

    Even a small change in grocery shopping can help the whole family. Sometimes (like in the Oreo aisle) I just remind myself "if it goes in the cart, it goes on your a**" so I just walk right on by [ ok, I do buy Oreos once in a while, but I've gotten really good at eating one or two cookies instead of a whole row!].

    Be good to yourself momma, you have the most important job in the world! Stay strong!
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I am a stay at home mom with a 15 yr old son and a long distance trucker husband who's gone a week or so at a time. I also have a licensed home daycare and I care for 5 children (5 and 6 yr olds before school, a 4 yr old, 2 yr old and 14 month old all day) with the first ones arriving at 5:30 am and the last ones leaving at 4:45 pm. School ends on Friday so I will have all 5 here every day all summer. I have been doing this since my son was a toddler.
    I have to be organized and have a routine otherwise nothing works for anybody, including me. Toddlers and preschoolers will thrive on a routine for meals, snacks, naps and walk and/or play time. Use a time when your husband is home to look after the kids while you sit down and sketch out a meal plan or get in a workout.
    Don't give up, it isn't easy but it is doable and takes planning.
    I have 59 consecutive days of tracking my meals and losing weight, despite having a house full of little ones. I make them part of my exercise (or I become part of theirs) with walks, going to the park, dance parties or Wii games at home on rainy days.
    Good Luck, don't give up.