The Stress of It All!!

I honestly wouldn't wish an international move on my worst enemy! I have never been more stressed in all my life than I am with this move. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy to be moving to Germany to be with my husband and get my life back on track but the preparation it takes to do just that is overwhelming. With that said, trying to eat healthy has pretty much gone out the window. I don't have time to fix healthy meals or even eat sometimes. I am going from sunup to sundown and I don't forsee that changing anytime soon. My son and I fly out to Germany in two weeks and I have to make sure the unaccompanied baggage shipment is ready, the truck is detailed, aligned and ready to go, everything is packed, the pets are taken care of, my son gets to his doctors appointment, I get to the dentist, I get to the optomotrist...the list goes on and on and on!! Oh Calgon Take Me Away!!! That is how I feel right about now or maybe one of those herbal essense commercials...LOL Anyhow, maybe I can get some helpful advice on quick and easy snacks that I can pack in a bag to take with me on all these darn appointments from the wonderful people here at MFP! Any help would be greatly appreciated. :happy:


  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I hear ya. I moved to the UK from Ohio in May. Of course, I was planning my wedding and trying to learn to deal with a nightmare of a mother-in-law at the same time, so I was really stressed. Plus, with meeting all my husband's friends and family and going out to eat with them, I don't know how I survived. It's just as bad eating out here as it is in the states, no matter what they tell you. The German diet, while delicious, is pretty fattening too. I couldn't live there. I'd eat all day long. When you're going to appointments and things, you can always pack fresh fruit and nuts, or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins.