Does anyone workout with their child and buggy?

I've found a group local to me who do this in the park twice a week! Have signed up to hopefully join them soon, was wondering if anyone on here does anything similar? Do you feel it's a good enough workout?


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I often go for a long walk with my daughter... not sure if it's the same thing.

    But she gets some fresh air and I get some miles in my legs....
  • weeble870
    weeble870 Posts: 15
    I think it's a mix of walking, jogging, plus other exercises over the space of an hour. I suppose it would get us out of the house at least and get me active!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I have a 4-5 mile route that's all hills. Pushing the pram at 4-4.5 mph gets the old blood pumping...

    If you don't do anything active at the moment, then it's something active to do!

    Plus, the weather's really nice at the moment.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    So i tried "StrollerStrides" in the US when my daughter was about 2 months old. I actually had a hard time with it back then because my asthma wasn't controlled so all the sprints were to much for me. I think it's a good thing to try because you get to exercise with your baby and meet other moms, so it's all good.

    My daughter is 4 now. I put her in the jogging stroller and run about 25 miles a week with her (plus 10+ miles a week without her). We both love it. We run together instead of taking the train to/from daycare/work. We watch the ducks and boats. On Friday nights we stop at the park and play on the run home. It's good for both of us. And as a single mom, it's really the only way i am able to get 30 to 40 miles of running in a week.

    It's like an other kind of exercise, you get out of it what you put into it. So if you work hard (some of the moms take it easy and use it as more social time) it's totally worthwhile. But just walking or running with the stroller could work for you too!
  • weeble870
    weeble870 Posts: 15
    30-40 miles of running in? Wow that's so inspirational! Ive emailed the lady who runs the group and am hopefully joining them next Thursday :) really looking forward to it now!
  • VenturaGurl
    VenturaGurl Posts: 413 Member
    When my children were younger and in a stroller, I always walked around the local park and pushed them...even when they both needed to be in a double stroller. I usually walked about 2 miles at a time, depending on their mood and whether someone was crying or asleep...if they were sleeping, then I could go longer. :)