Exercises for belly fat?

So apparently crunches aren't great? Has anyone had quick results with exercises that help with belly fat? I'm a girl and not super fit, if that makes a difference. Thanks!


  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    The best remedy for belly fat is through your nutrition. Unfortunately, ab exercises will make your abs stronger, but don't do much to make you thinner. They say "abs are made in the kitchen", and that's true. Stick to a reasonable calorie deficit, and the fat will come off eventually. Belly fat is often stubborn and the last to go, so you have to be patient. Good luck!
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Spot reduction is impossible. The only thing you can do is lower your overall body fat% and in doing so reduce belly fat.
  • liftnlove_
    liftnlove_ Posts: 112 Member
    You can work the ab muscles easily...any basic crunch and countless floor exercises for abs will work those muscles. Lifting heavy weights also engages your core.

    BUT...you cannot spot reduce belly fat. You have to reduce body fat all over through a calorie deficit, or you'll never see your abs no matter what exercises you do.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    fork put downs and table pushaways

    but as the others have said, you cannot spot reduce you must lower your body fat %

    for those of us who hold our excess on the lower abs.... it's usually the first place to gain and last place to lose
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    There are no exercises that specifically burn belly fat. Eating at a deficit combined with cardio and weight training will burn fat and tighten up your belly. Compound lifts like squats, push-ups etc. work lots of different muscles, including the core. Planks and side planks are a couple of exercises that target the midsection and do more for your stomach than crunches.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    You cannot spot reduce. It's just a fact of life. What you can do is full body exercising and cut back in calorie intake and see where your body genetically will change. Crunches will help tone up the core, but the fat part is a separate issue. The muscles will be there, but your body fat will cover it up.

    I had a friend once who was very obese. When he lost his weight, his doctor said he was in pretty good physical shape because he had been carrying around this weight and his body had compensated by building muscle to handle the load. ;-) Then he had to start exercising to maintain the fitness level or build it or whatever he did.
  • _Clarana_
    _Clarana_ Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks everyone, was afraid of this. I just thought one specific exercise might help things along...:(
  • gsnow597
    gsnow597 Posts: 36 Member
    I had the same question, Im glad you asked it because I was not looking forward to the exercise. Good to know Im on that track this thread is suggesting. Great Question and great posts!!!!
  • Tlink34
    Tlink34 Posts: 29 Member
    Liposuction is for spot reduction when all else fails and you are at your goal weight for a number of months.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Thanks everyone, was afraid of this. I just thought one specific exercise might help things along...:(

    Squats are the one specific exercise that will help things along. It's the best compound exercise there is, and it will build muscle/burn fat everywhere better than any other single exercise.

    Of course what everyone says about diet and can't spot reduce is also true.
  • _Clarana_
    _Clarana_ Posts: 73 Member
    Just to clarify though, I'm not asking how to lose weight specifically from my stomach as I already know that's impossible, but rather for how to improve that area...for example, I'm pear shaped and have always had awful thighs and legs, but since I've started walking a lot and running occasionally, they look much better even if I'm technically not any lighter/smaller.
  • Hello

    I would say core exercice helped me a lot, but "abs are made in the kitchen".

    Cleaning my eating habits really helped me burn fat around my belly button.
    I've stopped to eat all processed food, junk food.

    I eat a lot of vegetable (brocoli, spinach, zucchini...) and almonds, nuts, peanut butter, olive oil.

    A very clean diet is the key in my mind.

    Good luck honey!
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Just to clarify though, I'm not asking how to lose weight specifically from my stomach as I already know that's impossible, but rather for how to improve that area...for example, I'm pear shaped and have always had awful thighs and legs, but since I've started walking a lot and running occasionally, they look much better even if I'm technically not any lighter/smaller.
    The best way IMO would be to lift: squats, deadlifts and hip thrusters.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just to clarify though, I'm not asking how to lose weight specifically from my stomach as I already know that's impossible, but rather for how to improve that area...for example, I'm pear shaped and have always had awful thighs and legs, but since I've started walking a lot and running occasionally, they look much better even if I'm technically not any lighter/smaller.

    resistance or strength training will help you look better all over.