Lifting vs Cardio Balance

gpeach1 Posts: 13 Member
Question: What kind of ratio of weight training/cardio will keep the muscle I have? Been going to personal trainer MWF for almost 6 months. Should I lighten up on cardio? Two scenarios below.

#1 Weekly total of 90 minutes strength training / 4.5-6 hours cardio. 30 minutes of strength training with him and 30 minutes cardio there on a stepmill MWF. Other cardio is elliptical at home.

#2 Weekly total of 45 minutes strength training/4.5-6.0 cardio. This week in three days it only added up to 45 minutes vs 90. All this week we started late. Some days he stops a few to five minutes before my half hour is up. That added up and quite disappointed. (am going to point this out to him and start writing down on my sign out chart anytime we get less than 25 minutes in)


  • Snailman44
    Snailman44 Posts: 25
    My advice go to to and do some research. Every single question you ever had about nutrition,cardio,supplements and weight training is there. I'm sure your personal trainer know his stuff but some other opinions and ideas is always nice. Also is what you are doing enjoyable to you? If its not and feels like a chore you need to find something that is or there is no way you will keep it up long term. Best of luck in your journey to good health.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Cardio does very little to maintain muscle, so if that is your only objective, you don't need to do any cardio. Increase your weight training to 3 full body workouts per week, 45-60 minutes each. If you want to continue doing some cardio to help burn calories, I recommend doing it on the days you don't lift.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    You pay for a half hour of training, that's what you should get. If I have a client come in late, then they lose whatever time they are late. Their late time shouldn't impose on my time or the next clients time.
    If I'm 5 minutes late (which never happens), then I would make sure to give that 5 minutes back to client.
    Lifting and cardio balance will depend on goals. But if it's about weight loss, then it's ALWAYS going to be about food first.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Your ratio would be highly dependent on your fitness goals. As a matter of general fitness, it's going to be pretty balanced...maybe not exactly 50/50 but it would be pretty close.

    I do a full body lifting program that takes me about an hour 3x weekly. I ride my bike roughly 60 miles per week which equate to about an hour 4x weekly. This provides me a pretty balanced routine and I'm able to maintain a pretty good riding base.

    When I go into actually training for an event or into cyclocross season I spend a great deal more time on my bike and only a couple of days in the weight room. To boot, I do lighter weight, higher rep stuff when I'm racing or training as this saves my muscles some and increases my endurance and stamina. As you see, it really comes down to my specific fitness goals at the time and what I"m working towards.

    Doing cardio has little to do with maintaining muscle...your lifting routine along with adequate nutrition (including plenty of protein) is what is going to persevere your lean mass. 2 days per week is pretty much bare minimum...3x weekly is optimal for a full body routine. I wouldn't recommend splits unless you are an advanced lifter.

    More importantly, your lifting routine should be progressive in nature...and ideally emphasize compound movements.
  • gpeach1
    gpeach1 Posts: 13 Member
    Go to and it is Information overload. Workouts enjoyable? I enjoy when they are over. The stepmill is a little like torture :) But if it broke I would be sad.

    Well based on the input you all gave the 1.5 hours of strength and 4.5 hours of cardio per week will be fine for a good while. Going to try and do more non aerobic activity until I can get more lifting in. Guess this week just got me thinking since I did 10 times the amount of cardio vs weights.

    The trainer is not late. He is there working with others. Or taking a break. Don't mind a short day here of there. But by the end of this week I realized I only worked out half the planned time.