Help with bulking up

How do u guys suggest bulking up without any weights? I don't have time and budget to go to a gym. I got like numerous comments that I look too skinny, naturally less handsome. (they used to seeing me in bigger forms). Would appreciate the help guys..


  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    Push-ups, pull-ups, plyometrics, sprints. And eat at a surplus.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    Make time and buy some second hand weights
  • pope66682
    pope66682 Posts: 249 Member
    a couple dumbells go a long way
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Waldo on here has a good website, strengthunbound, I think it is. I've heard convict conditioning is good too.
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    Big compound moves with bodyweight but seriously you can get some secondhand dumbbells for cheap add a pull up bar and you are most of the way there. If you don't have time for a gym you will likely not have time to do something equally effective at home. Even at 3-4, 45 min workouts per week you would still see steady progress. Oh and obviously you want to be in caloric surplus.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Big compound moves with bodyweight but seriously you can get some secondhand dumbbells for cheap add a pull up bar and you are most of the way there. If you don't have time for a gym you will likely not have time to do something equally effective at home. Even at 3-4, 45 min workouts per week you would still see steady progress. Oh and obviously you want to be in caloric surplus.

    ^^^This. You mimic bench pressing via pushups. Do some pullups/chin ups. Find something to mimic squats and if possible something to mimic deadlift and you'll do "swell".
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Google up "convict", "prison", or "inmate training"...

    There is no magic pill for bulking, so you must find time to do it if you really want desire to bulk.
  • tzulhelmi
    tzulhelmi Posts: 23 Member
    Big compound moves with bodyweight but seriously you can get some secondhand dumbbells for cheap add a pull up bar and you are most of the way there. If you don't have time for a gym you will likely not have time to do something equally effective at home. Even at 3-4, 45 min workouts per week you would still see steady progress. Oh and obviously you want to be in caloric surplus.

    Are u saying that I can bulk up with just some dumbbells and pull up bars? No need them barbells or anything serious like at the gym?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Convict Conditioning

    You are Your Own Gym
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    No need them barbells or anything serious like at the gym?

    well. no- you do not NEED it. It does make it hella handy though. But it's HARD work (not that barbells are not hard) but bodyweight progression is hard. like hard hard.

    Check out

    our very own waldo on here runs that site and he's probably the most competent person i know for bulking-body weight or barbell only.

    Also check our gaining weight section- lots of bulking nerds loiter there. Totally do able
  • tzulhelmi
    tzulhelmi Posts: 23 Member
    Great! Thx for the help