running knee pain???

lculian Posts: 313 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
HI Everyone,

I am doing the C25k and I'm upto the 2.5 mile jogs, Woohoo:) I'm still surprised I can do it! :smile:

While I'm running I am not experiencing any discomfort of pain, but after I stop and I sit or walk for awhile my knees have some discomfort. What gives?:grumble:

Any ideas on things I should do? I don't want to end up with an injury. I'm really enjoying my runs, and am looking forward to the 10k that I've signed up for at the end of April, I just want to make sure I get there:bigsmile:

Any guidance you have is greatly appreciated. Running is still new to me!



  • Have you got your shoes fitted properly, i.e gait analysis etc, as that can cause knee pain, also are you doing your warm down stretches, again this is very important to do these after running.

    well done on your running so far, keep it up and you will achieve your 10km
  • rpbabs
    rpbabs Posts: 16
    I experienced the same issues when I started running again. The best thing to do is to give your knee a break. Run every other day, or every two days. Always listen to your body or your pain may worsen. Make sure you stretch before and after your workout. Good luck with your running goals!
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    I did have my shoes fitted, they are about 8 months old, I'm wondering if I need to get re-fitted from use and weight loss???

    I do aout 5 minutes worth of warm down stretches, but nothing too complicated.

    Thank you for the encouragement:bigsmile:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Stretch well when you get done running. And after you stretch, stretch some more just for good measure. You may also research IT Band stretches specifically.
  • sometimes knees just get sore - it happens. If they start hurting during your runs then you need to be careful. Be sure to ice after your runs for about 20 minutes to help with the swelling that might be causing the pain.
  • It could be a number of issues... shoes, hills, feet, hips, to much work. My knee problems are a combination... I'll explain. My back isn't straight causing my hips to be uneven... making my right leg a lil shorter... making it work harder when I run. My right foot also pronates and can cause knee pain when running. You have some options if this is the problem. expensive shoes or insoles to help support your feet or get some minimalist shoes like nike free ( I have them and love them... had pain for couple months and now have little to no problem) if bone structure could be an issue I strongly suggest a chiropractor. If you are running on hills and/or hard surface that could be your problem. Running on pavement has no give and is jolting for your joints, and running on hills puts stress on you. You may need to find a new place to run or atleast break it up and take different paths to keep from over working your joints. Also.. glucosamine chondriton is an amazing suppliment to help your joints (ie. knees). Be careful with your knees, if it persists to be an issue see your dr. A brace might not be a bad idea too, then ice for 30 heat for 30 ect. Good luck, hope I helped.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    It could be a number of issues... shoes, hills, feet, hips, to much work. My knee problems are a combination... I'll explain. My back isn't straight causing my hips to be uneven... making my right leg a lil shorter... making it work harder when I run. My right foot also pronates and can cause knee pain when running. You have some options if this is the problem. expensive shoes or insoles to help support your feet or get some minimalist shoes like nike free ( I have them and love them... had pain for couple months and now have little to no problem) if bone structure could be an issue I strongly suggest a chiropractor. If you are running on hills and/or hard surface that could be your problem. Running on pavement has no give and is jolting for your joints, and running on hills puts stress on you. You may need to find a new place to run or atleast break it up and take different paths to keep from over working your joints. Also.. glucosamine chondriton is an amazing suppliment to help your joints (ie. knees). Be careful with your knees, if it persists to be an issue see your dr. A brace might not be a bad idea too, then ice for 30 heat for 30 ect. Good luck, hope I helped.
    WOW! Thank you:)]
  • Papucho
    Papucho Posts: 138
    Make sure you're warming up properly and giving you're knees a decent stretch after they're warmed up. The C25k is a really good program, but there are some factors that might make it a little hard on your knees, much like tater said. Also, runners tend to forget that running shoes need to be replaced more often than regular shoes. After 8 months of use, your shoes are probably worn out and need to go. I go through two pair a year minimum. And don't forget, there is some normal soreness that you're going to experience.

    And don't forget to enjoy it!
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    Running style can have a huge impact on where you are placing the most stress on your body.

    I would advise you to look for a running club near you where someone can do a gait analysis on you for free (versus having a shoe-store salesperson do it because they might be biased). Not all running clubs have someone that can do this for you, so you might want to look for those that specialize on POSE or Chi-Running. They are most likely to have running form experts.

    If you don't have a club near you, there are also POSE and Chi-Running community websites that will let you upload videos of you running and you can get comments that way.
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