Looking for support from other younger ladies!

I am 20 years old, and I have lost 10 pounds and hope to lose about 15 more. It's very hard for me to be patient, so I tend to either give up and start eating whatever I want, or get really extreme and eat hardly anything at all. I am hoping this time around I can actually change my lifestyle. Once I hit my goal weight, I want to switch from mainly cardio to more strength training so I can get at least somewhat toned.
Oh, and I am vegetarian, and have a ton of delish and healthy recipes on hand if anyone is interested.
BASICALLY, I'm looking for people to share my struggles and milestones with because all of my friends are tiny sticks and don't really understand hahaha.


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! My name is Kim and my weight loss journey began two years ago. I was at my heaviest (225) and things were not good. I couldn't keep up with my kids, I was tired all the time, and my doctor told me that my cholesterol was on the rise! I decided something needed to change. I started walking, and eventually doing some weight training. I am down over 75 pounds! I feel so much better, and I love supporting and encouraging people to do the same. I would be happy to be an accountability partner with you. I still have some weight to lose, so we can work at it together! Getting your nutrition under control is a big key to losing weight. I can share what has worked for me if you are interested. If you work hard, I know you can reach your goal! So what do ya say? Are you in?
  • nm781
    nm781 Posts: 4
    I'm on the same boat. Lost 10 lbs and I can't stay motivated. Food is a big issue and so is exercise. I would love to have someone in the same age group for motivation!!
  • Jamie3650
    Jamie3650 Posts: 6
    I am 38 years old and have lost 30lbs so far still have to go but love the results I'm having !
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I added you! 21 and a vegetarian :) Really only have about 5 pounds to lose, but I've also had that amount to lose for about 2 years now, haha.