How do you get the motivation to exercise?



  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Working can be a tough obstacle to get around when it comes to exercising. My advice is fairly simple, because if have a very busy girlfriend that does it, and she has been very successful at it, she jogs in place for an hour while watching T.V when she gets home from work.
  • Tla0126
    Tla0126 Posts: 207 Member
    14 months ago, my trainer told me that working out and exercise is not a punishment for being fat; everyone needs to work out and exercise to be healthy. That single statement flipped a switch in my head, and here we are!!!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    One thing that made a difference for me is really tightening up my food logging. When I pay very close attention to my calories in, I am motivated to do something (anything) to burn more so I can eat more.

    I bought a little mini pedal thing. I can sit in a chair at my computer or watching TV in the evening and pedal. It's almost no effort, takes no extra time, but for me burns about 100 calories an hour. I also do 30 Day Shred during lunch, it's only about 25 minutes so easy to fit in.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    14 months ago, my trainer told me that working out and exercise is not a punishment for being fat; everyone needs to work out and exercise to be healthy. That single statement flipped a switch in my head, and here we are!!!

    And it just flipped the one in mine.... virtual hug in transit.

    Holy ****, that got my attention......
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Here's my 2 cents:
    I gave up trying to motivate myself to exercise. It never got "fun" for me. At least, the type of exercise that involves going to the gym and running in place for an hour or pulling on weight machines over and over. Big yawn.
    Nowadays I go for a bike ride out in the great wide-open outdoors. Way more stimulating. I strap on a backpack and go hiking in the great big outdoors. I shovel snow every chance I get. I rollerskate with the grandkids. You get the idea.
    Do something you love to do. It doesn't seem like "exercise" that way.
    I decided I'd rather cut way back on fattening hi-cal food than have to work it off later. It isn't all working out; eating right can do wonders for weight loss.
  • exotictropiclove
    My motivation is focusing on the feeling I get when I complete a workout.
    The satisfaction and accomplishment after it's all over.

    I actually look forward to hard workouts now because I know it makes it a whole lot
    easier and much more pleasant when I see it in a more positive light.

    When it gets hard, I imagine others going through the same struggle
    and it makes me push harder, to better myself, to inspire those who are going
    through the same thing to push the limits.

    I hope that helps you get motivated. You can do this!
    You'll never regret a good workout. I promise. :)
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    I think about my weight, why I joined this site, my favorite upbeat song, and I get going. When I have the thought of exercise (good or bad) I just do it!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Most of us became fat by over eating, not under exercising!
    I'm in agreement here. Focus on your food habits first; worry about exercising later. You may find, once some additional weight has been shed, you will want to move more. In the meantime, pack exercise into your everyday routine in little bits: take the stairs instead of the elevator; park at the far end of the lot and walk; walk or ride your bike instead of taking a car, whenever possible. You get the idea.
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    14 months ago, my trainer told me that working out and exercise is not a punishment for being fat; everyone needs to work out and exercise to be healthy. That single statement flipped a switch in my head, and here we are!!!

    Wow...perfect it!
  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    friend is aesthetic. you would think he was on steroids

    and people mirin my aesthetics
  • LeftToMyOwnDevices1
    I just recently purchased the Jawbone UP24. I named it My Motivator. It was just under a $100.00, so the cost motivates me to make use of it. It is super easy to use. You set your goals although it does offer you guidelines for helping set up your goals. The huge bonus is that it links to myfitnesspal and helps keep me honest.
    I have been using it for 3 days now, and just having it on my wrist reminds that I made a promise to take good care of myself.
  • w734q672
    w734q672 Posts: 578 Member
    The best way to become motivated is through Cross Fit. Cross Fit will get you motivated with intense workouts. You won't have any trouble getting motivated when you're trying to survive for your life. Forget bodybuilding, steriods or mp3 players, do Cross Fit.

    Here's an example of an exercise we do in Cross Fit. This is one of the fundamental exercises that you'll be doing to increase work capacity across broad time and modal domains
  • nxiety
    nxiety Posts: 84 Member
    I just reminded myself that there are people out there that would truly do everything in their power to exercise but physically can't. I owe it to them, and to myself to be in the best shape I can. Getting up to exercise has since become the easiest part of my day.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    My motivation is the extra calories I get to eat. More exercise means more food. Aw yiss
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    Everyday I spend a couple minutes looking online at pictures of and stories about people who have lost lots of weight. Then i decide, (everyday) that if they can do it why can't I. Then I go do it.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    The feeling i get after working out inspires me to work out when i don't feel "in the mood".
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    For me my motivation was a few different things. Like another poster, my dog was getting fat and needed some care, I'm now dogsitting my friends' dog and need to keep him healthy and I kind of had an epiphany the other day. When am I going to make time for me? When I'm 50 and it's a lot harder for me to do or when I'm 50 pound heavier? Just do it NOW!
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    I make little changes habits every day so that if I don't "workout" I still stay healthy. One example is that I never take the elevator for less than 4 floors. I ride my bike to the library instead of driving. I sit on an exercise ball while watching TV.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I am fat and want to be thin. That's my motivation. I want the fat GONE, so I do everything I can to get rid of it. I'm happy to see it go. Can't be gone fast enough.
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    Can't say I need motivation most days. I love cycling every day, the fact that it's making me healthy and giving me more calories to use each day is just a bonus. If/when I reach my goal weight I will continue to cycle.

    Find something you love doing.