I need to lose 30kgs/66lbs! Any helpfull tips?

jessmcanulty Posts: 46 Member
Hi all, I need to lose 30kgs to reach my goal weight and I was just wondering if any of you had any extra tips to help me apart from the obvious eat well,drink plenty of water and excersise? Thanks in advance.


  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    Don't stress about eating "clean" - get plenty of vegetables and eat more protein (100-150g per day should do it) but don't treat ice cream or cake as a total no-no if it fits your daily goals.

    Do strength training like a man - More than 3lb won't make you bulky. I promise. Women don't gain muscle without a heck of a lot of work and an obscene amount of food to go along with it.

    Don't aim to lose more than 1lb a week - It's better to lose weight forever slowly than lose it fast and have it all come back and a 500 calorie deficit will leave you feeling much better than 1000 calorie deficit.

    Do track your weight loss on a graph or app - MFP is great, but actually having an Excel spreadsheet or a graph showing the trends over time is really helpful as sometimes you'll lose 4lb in a week and then not lose anything for three weeks... it happens. I weigh every day and use an app called Libra to track the trend.

    Don't stress over fluctuations up and down - They happen. All the time. It doesn't mean you aren't doing the right thing. Unless your weight consistently goes up or stays static for over a month and never comes back down, just keep on trucking and keep the faith that the laws of thermodynamics are in your favour.

    Do walk - Walking is amazing. Very low injury rate, you can do it for hours and it's relaxing. Running's all fine and well, but walking for half an hour at lunchtime doesn't require a shower and doing that every day will do as much for your weight loss as running half an hour three times a week.

    Finally, trust those who've walked the path before and have sustained their success afterwards.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Hi all, I need to lose 30kgs to reach my goal weight and I was just wondering if any of you had any extra tips to help me apart from the obvious eat well, drink plenty of water and excersise? Thanks in advance.

    I've done a couple blog posts you might find useful. Especially see "exercise" and "setting goals".

    Here's a mismash of advice... :flowerforyou:

    How did you come up with the 30 lb goal? Do you know your healthy goal weight? Check out the BMI charts or calculators in my "resources" post. To start out, aim for the highest weight in the normal range for your height.

    Do you understand that you want to lose no more than 1-2 lb per week (0.5-1 kg)? If you do it nice and slow it's more likely to stick. As you get closer to your goal weight, the rate of loss will slow.
    Also, it's hard to eat enough healthy food if you drastically restrict calories. DON'T GO UNDER 1200 CALORIES PER DAY!

    Controlling your calories in is what's going to help you the most in losing weight. It's easy to eat 500 calories, not so easy to work them off.
    Exercise is vital to _maintaining_ weight loss. It helps lose weight too, but don't rely just on that.

    Figure out your goal weight, multiply it by 10, and you have goal calories. If you're really really hungry at the end of the day, eat back 1/3 to 1/2 of your exercise calories, but try not to do it often.

    Eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner is more likely to result in weight loss than the other way around.
    See near the bottom of my 2014 06 10 post, the bit with the bold "this is going to change how I eat".
    In any case, DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST!!

    Cardio is the most efficient way to burn calories, but do some weightlifting too to build muscle, because that burns more calories even at rest, and for the same weight muscle takes less space so you'll look slimmer.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hello and Welcome :) Log your food everyday no matter how good or bad, it helps you be accountable. I started with small changes at first eliminating soda, refined sugars, etc. Incorporate exercise right away, no matter if its 5 minutes walking or a 20 minute bike ride and keep building on that. Stay away from drinking your calories. I try to stick to mostly water or other things with 20 or less calories per a serving. There are so many things I could go on and on. Above all remember we are human and even when you have a bad meal don't let the next one be equally as bad. Get right back on track and to your goal. :)
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Know that this isn't something that ends.

    Treat calories like a checking account. If you 'over spend' one meal or one day, that doesn't mean you go out and continue to 'spend' more. You make adjustments for a heavy meal; and you move on. Don't dwell on it.

    Take pictures, wearing the same clothes -- share if you want, but have them for your own viewing.

    good luck!
  • jessmcanulty
    jessmcanulty Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 103kgs and I want to get to around the 70kg mark. I'm 5"6 and my ideal weight for my height is 62kgs although I think 62kgs is abit on the light side I would be happy just to get to 70kgs and see how I feel then in terms of losing more or not.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Brilliant replies from all above me. I have attached some links to posts made by other MFP ops that were helpful when I started the journey. There is lots of good support and info. One step at a time, One meal at a time.
    Keep smiling - keep the positive attitude and you will do well.



  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Get a scale that calculates body fat. I've been stuck for a few weeks as far as weight, but I've lost 3% body fat. I'm not even lifting weights yet!
  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    I lost 5 lbs just by drinking 2 litres of water a day. Into 1 of those litres I would mix 1 tbsp chia seeds and let them gel.
    This extra bit of fiber and water really helps.
  • momsfavoritechild
    momsfavoritechild Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all, I need to lose 30kgs to reach my goal weight and I was just wondering if any of you had any extra tips to help me apart from the obvious eat well, drink plenty of water and excersise? Thanks in advance.

    I've done a couple blog posts you might find useful. Especially see "exercise" and "setting goals".

    Here's a mismash of advice... :flowerforyou:

    How did you come up with the 30 lb goal? Do you know your healthy goal weight? Check out the BMI charts or calculators in my "resources" post. To start out, aim for the highest weight in the normal range for your height.

    Do you understand that you want to lose no more than 1-2 lb per week (0.5-1 kg)? If you do it nice and slow it's more likely to stick. As you get closer to your goal weight, the rate of loss will slow.
    Also, it's hard to eat enough healthy food if you drastically restrict calories. DON'T GO UNDER 1200 CALORIES PER DAY!

    Controlling your calories in is what's going to help you the most in losing weight. It's easy to eat 500 calories, not so easy to work them off.
    Exercise is vital to _maintaining_ weight loss. It helps lose weight too, but don't rely just on that.

    Figure out your goal weight, multiply it by 10, and you have goal calories. If you're really really hungry at the end of the day, eat back 1/3 to 1/2 of your exercise calories, but try not to do it often.

    Eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner is more likely to result in weight loss than the other way around.
    See near the bottom of my 2014 06 10 post, the bit with the bold "this is going to change how I eat".
    In any case, DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST!!

    Cardio is the most efficient way to burn calories, but do some weightlifting too to build muscle, because that burns more calories even at rest, and for the same weight muscle takes less space so you'll look slimmer.

    To furher help me understand, as I get mixed info on this....
    If I have a goal of 1500 calories, when I exercise and it resets my claories, do I eat those calories or keep it at the 1500?
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Make smaller goals and outline rewards for yourself. For example, if I lose 5 lbs in June I'm buying myself a hibiscus tree. If I make it to the gym 3 days a week during July I'm buying myself Meet and Greet Passes for the Nick and Knight tour. Also, I set my ticker to smaller goals. For example instead of 47 pounds which seems huge, start with 10 lbs. Once you successfully lose 10 lbs move it to 20 lbs.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Stick with it- you CAN get there.

    If you slip up and have a day or two (or 3, or week or months) just get back up and start trying again. There's no such thing as "I slipped up too much, it doesn't matter."
    Just keep trying :)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    1)How did you come up with the 30 lb goal? Do you know your healthy goal weight? Check out the BMI charts or calculators in my "resources" post. To start out, aim for the highest weight in the normal range for your height.

    2)Figure out your goal weight, multiply it by 10, and you have goal calories. If you're really really hungry at the end of the day, eat back 1/3 to 1/2 of your exercise calories, but try not to do it often.

    3)Eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner is more likely to result in weight loss than the other way around.
    See near the bottom of my 2014 06 10 post, the bit with the bold "this is going to change how I eat".
    In any case, DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST!!

    I agree with most of the points from this poster, but disagree with these three (numbered them myself):
    1) I admittedly used BMI to set my goal weight, but honestly, that's not a number I care about very much anymore. As long as my weight's going down, as is my waist, then I don't really care if I end up at 125 (my original goal) or 135... Frankly, I'm hoping that if I'm around 135 and happy with how I look it's because I've got crazy muscle mass :) I'd rather be strong than just thin. That would be awesome.

    2) This would put my calories back down to 1250 (using the 125 goal weight). I stuck to 1200 for a really long time to lost my first 40ish lbs and though I got used to it, I was eating a lot of processed "light" foods to get there. Now I can eat more and still lose weight, so I'll stick with it :) (Though yes, this puts my weight loss at 1lb/week instead of the 2 I was getting back then, something I'm ok with)

    3) Timing doesn't really matter. Eat whenever you're hungry. I would advise against midnight snacking though, because that is the time when people are most likely to binge. But if that's not an issue for you then just eat when you're hungry. I do agree that breakfast is important- eating regularly during the day helps keep your blood sugar steady, which helps avoid the mid morning or afternoon sugar cravings.

    Also- the point on eating only a quarter or half your exercise calories- People recommend only eating half the calories which MFP estimates (or that you get from cardio machines) because they're not necessarily accurate. Otherwise, MFP is designed so that you DO eat those calories back. I would not go as low as only eating back 1/4 of the calories. If you're really concerned, go for 1/2 at the max- though that being said, I'm 5/3 and started working out around 150ish lbs and eating back all my exercise cals never hindered my weight loss. I still achieve goal, even now (when tracking- I've fallen off the bandwagon a few times, lol)