okay what is happening w/ me and dinner lately???

ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
I do sooo good all day, and then when its time for dinner I dont want it:noway: ...I want to pick....and even then I'm like ick....I'm not going over my cals but I'm feeling crappy!!! Sunchips do not make a good meal lol...this is like day 3.....:ohwell:

I know what I'm suppose to do....but what do you all do when you just don't have the urge to eat a meal...I know this sounds weird and since I've never been like this before....I'm kinda clueless how to psych myself up for food since its always been a constant thing with me.....food =:heart: lol

any advice or tips....thanks...even a good o' snap outta it girl would probably help! lol:tongue:



  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I do sooo good all day, and then when its time for dinner I dont want it:noway: ...I want to pick....and even then I'm like ick....I'm not going over my cals but I'm feeling crappy!!! Sunchips do not make a good meal lol...this is like day 3.....:ohwell:

    I know what I'm suppose to do....but what do you all do when you just don't have the urge to eat a meal...I know this sounds weird and since I've never been like this before....I'm kinda clueless how to psych myself up for food since its always been a constant thing with me.....food =:heart: lol

    any advice or tips....thanks...even a good o' snap outta it girl would probably help! lol:tongue:

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Maybe you should make lunch your healthy/high protein/high cal meal of the day, and if you feel more comfortable with it, make a small "munchie" type dinner.

    My new (not enforced yet) plan is to make a ton of food over the weekend (LOVE my crock pot for this) so I don't have to put much thought/energy into dinners during the week. After working all day...I just don't have the heart to put into dinner.

    Feel guilty as heck as far as my daughter is concerned, but I could do a bowl of cereal & be just fine with it. :embarassed:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    That is so weird. I've been doing the same thing, and then having all these extra calories I can't eat. But I have made ahead a salad of chopped cucumbers, grape tomatoes, fresh chopped garlic, chopped red bell pepper with a little rice vinegar on it. I munch on that with a little piece of broiled steak, salmon or chicken.... and that's all I need.

    Maybe you need a new recipe to spark your interest; or a new grain. I made a barley risotto recipe that was really good... and quinoa is a great grain. I have those recipes if you want them.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    exactly!!! I do not have the energy...on the weekends yes...I did make a big fajitas stir fry for lunch and we had it in tortillas....mmm it was good...but I digress...lol

    maybe that was why I don't want dinner, its just never really happened before. But on workdays, I make dinner and then don't want it.......toooooo tired!

    oh the crockpot sounds awesome we have one and I never use it!!! Give me some recipes girl!

    Ali...and thanks!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    yes Ruth now that made my mouth water LOL....I think that could be it too...tired and bored and no energy to try some new recipes...just a vicious circle LOL

    hugs and thanks!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    exactly!!! I do not have the energy...on the weekends yes...I did make a big fajitas stir fry for lunch and we had it in tortillas....mmm it was good...but I digress...lol

    maybe that was why I don't want dinner, its just never really happened before. But on workdays, I make dinner and then don't want it.......toooooo tired!

    oh the crockpot sounds awesome we have one and I never use it!!! Give me some recipes girl!

    Ali...and thanks!

    Oh darlin...I live & die by the crockpot. You want recipes, I can give you recipes. :laugh: (Posted the Pork chop w/jalapeno dressing yesterday under the recipe thread)

    Let me know what type of foods you like & I'll post a few of my faves. :smile:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    If you haven't tried the Black Bean Salsa, make that one because as it marinates it even gets better, just make enough to get you through the week and it will give you protein, and it tastes great. I'll bump it for you. Just don't forget to add chilis.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oooo you guys rock!!! thanks I'll check them out, never tried black bean salsa but sounds yum!...and as for what kind of food do I like....bring it on girl....I'm not picky but think...tired mommy who works....ya know...think you! lol

  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    On those nights (acually for me it's usually lunch) I"ll grab a special K protien bar. It's 10 grams of protein and 190 cals (maybe 5-7 grams of fat - I can't remember exactly).

    Barbeques (sloppy joes), tacos and grilling are my usual supper stand by'. I teach so it's easy to have time to cook since I'm usually home by 3:45, but I hate thinking of what to make (that everyone will eat)
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Crock pot idea is great too. You can even bake in it. I remember being a tired mommy when mine were all little. Mine are all good helpers now, and almost all are teens. You are the one and only for your boy.
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    I've been eating the Black Bean Salsa Salad for well over 2 weeks now, maybe 3?!?!?! Wal-Mart has marinated frozen tilapias that are great are super easy(quick to fix). I can microwave one from frozen state in about 5-7 minutes and they are great, my picky kids even eat them.They are $2.58(or something really close) for 2. They are with the frozen shrimp, etc. I keep everything as simple as I can so there is not alot of cooktime or prep time. I put alot of things on my gas grill and while they are cooking, then I steam or saute veggies, pour some bag slald in bowls and slap some natural applesauce ona plate:laugh: Dinner is served. The more simple I keep it the less my kids complain and actually it ends up being alot more healthy. If I don't want to cook at all it's either pb and j's or I'll pick up one of those rotisserie chickens at the store. My kids like chicken and cheese quesadillas. They are easy and fast. I pu the chicken on the gearge foreman, cut it up, throw it on a wheat tortilla sprinkle w/cheese, fold in half, put in foil and heat up in oven for maybe 5 minutes. The kids love them, I will put the black bean salsa salad in min, and some sour cream if I have the calories:bigsmile: I do a lot of my prep work on Sunday(cut up veggies, etc) so during the week I can just grab them for salads or to saute, etc. My 10 y/o does the dishes and my 8 y/o takes out the trash so I can have a few minutes of down time after dinner:smile:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I get bored with the same stuff over and over, especially if it's my dinner meal. I can handle same old lunch but by dinner time I need a kick start to my taste buds. I love doing kabobs (which can be made in advance) and having couscous/rice pilaf/brown rice on hand, stir-fries (chopped up and ready to go for the next night), AND these can all be mixed up with different meats, veggies, even fruit!

    I don't use a crock pot much ( I need to look into it). For me the food always comes out looking and tasting the same, even when they are totally different meals! So, I've shied away from them the last few years, but if you guys have some amazing recipes that are healthy I would love to start building a collection of them.
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Tonight was actually the first night I was hungry, and I don't know what it was I was wanting. :tongue: Even snacking on raw veggies and and sugar free jello with cool whip non fat whip cream, and some animal crackers. I felt that I had over done it,but still had over 400calories left. I worked hard in the garden today and for several hours before the rain came this evening. So I think it had a lot to do with my appetite being up.I think I should of made some whole wheat spaghetti to satisfy but I am okay now, actually ready to go to bed. Getting tired.:yawn:
  • foxfire9372
    foxfire9372 Posts: 184 Member
    I love, love my crock pot. My mother in law got me the big one which also has a roasting pan and every gadget known to man and a really good crock pot recipe book. Some of them don't seem too healthy, but I have tweaked several and they taste just fine. I use a lot of different seasonings in my dishes or they do seem too bland. I love using it when I teach late at the barn and all my husband has to do is feed him and the kids.