Tummy busters

Hi everyone,
I'm just new to MFP and my problem area is my stomach. I was just wondering if any of you have any good stomach exercices? I have a 7 month old so I need to be able to do these while he is around. Hopefully he will find if funny, have a giggle and spur me on :happy:



  • queenofdisney
    I usually do crunches and a leg excercise that actually works out your lower abs (crunches work out the upper and i have a spare tire that is lower than that target spot)

    What I do is lay down on my back, flat. Then raise up my legs in a fluid motion, still straight but ever so slightly bent at the knee, until i am at a 90 degree angle.

    It's one of the hardest exercises I do but it targets the right area.
  • serrinac
    Tummy crunches - knees up, feet on ground, baby sitting on lower ab with back to thighs, crunch up and tickle tickle tickle, go back down and repeat.

    Working obliques - on back, knees up, fee on ground baby on lap back to thighs. Hold baby in place, roll hips and knees slowly from left to right. Some babys like the motion others don't.

    My daughter loved these.
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    Hey there!

    The tummy is my problem area, too. (Well, lol, one of my problem areas...)

    I do pilates, and it seriously helps.


    Plus, it's only ten minutes. =)
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Just remember while you can target an area for muscle training you can't target that area to lose fat. You're body gains and loses fat where IT wants and we're along for the ride. BUT if you tone up the muscles underneath when you're body does finally let go of the fat in that area the muscles will be nice and flat.