short legs!!!!

Am I the only person that find's it tricky to go faster on a treadmill?

If I am walking on incline I can only go at a max speed of 2.2

jogging to me is 3.5ish

and running is around 4.2 mph

I'm 5ft and very curious as I see everyone else going faster but if I go faster I can't keep up lol


  • Becky_charles29
    Becky_charles29 Posts: 125 Member
    I am 5'4" but with short legs! When I am at a push....I can manage just over 6 mph but I feel like I am basically sprinting! A comfortable run for me is about 5 but I have loads of tall friends / with long legs who for them, my pace is slow

    I just think as long as I am pushing myself, it doesnt matter to me if people are going faster
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    I am 5'0" also, and find it REALLY tough to run at any considerable speed. My running friends think the smaller stride thing is an excuse, lol, but I am finding that 5 mph is my limit right now. I just started using a running app and it alternates between walk/run/sprint... I tried doing the 'run' portion at 6 mph last time and just about died ;)

    But, at least we're MOVING, right?! :)
  • endubz
    endubz Posts: 2 Member
    Run more and you'll get faster. Most of the best distance runners are short so you can't really use height as an excuse :-)
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I am a little under 5'3" with short legs. I went walking with a girlfriend who is about 5'10" and we both wore our Fitbits. After 3.5 miles I had many more steps than she did because the length of her stride. But we did walk at the same legs just had to move faster.
  • mummyjonno
    mummyjonno Posts: 25 Member
    So I'm really not the only one! My husband is 6'2 (and a soldier) and his strides are insane! When doing an average walk i'm like the child trailing behind to keep up!

    No matter how much I run I can't seem to go any faster without thinking oh god help me haha!!!

    Even if some of the best sprinters are short - I believe they are lucky buggers. Being short and attempting to run fast paced is rough!!!!
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    I'm 5 foot even and I'm the same. I walk between a 3 - 3.5. 4 is running for me. I'm not a runner and hurt my shins every time I try so I just walk. I do the incline preset workouts and I can do an incline of 9 at 3.5 for my first round but 2nd and 3rd round I stay at a 3.