I can't decide if I want to get a treadmill or eliptical



  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    All good advice!
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    i just got two free treadmills on freecycles for my husband and i. try lookin around.....

    What's freecycles??? I would take an elliptical or a treadmill, unfortunately can't afford either one right now!!
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i might get the elliptical. it's nearly injury free (no shin pain to worry about and you don't have to worry about pounding on your knees) and as mentioned, you can run outside. that way you have the best of both worlds. elliptical at home, running or walking outside.
  • Hi there, I had both and sold my elliptical and kept my treadmill. The reason is because I am a smaller frame (height wise) and I got an elliptical with too long of a stride. So, with this, I would get another elliptical in a heartbeat if/when I can with a stride that works for me.

    I will put this out there, at the gym I hated the thing at first and I made myself slowly add a minute a night until I was up to 1 mile then 20 minutes. It is tough and it may take some time to get used to if you are not already using one.

    Good luck and make sure it is the right size for you...mine KILLED my knee.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I'm on the elliptical side of the fence. I enjoy walks & running outside. I can have the best of both worlds.
  • andriarose
    andriarose Posts: 23 Member
    well I am a runner outdoors and have had an elliptical for 3 years. I use that as back up. Anyway I just bought the Incline Trainer x5i treadmill last week, set it up and took it down and returned it. The incline is really high, but I didn't get the same endorphine rush or feeling that I worked out from it as I do from outdoor running and the elliptical. It really depends on you though, try them both out.
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    Thanks, I will take all of this advice in to consideration. But I have to say honestly I'm more confused than ever. Half of you say elliptical and half say treadmill. I wish I could afford both. Oh well I'll figure something out.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    If you can find a membership at a gym that is "free" for a week, I'd go try both. I sold my treadmill and bought an elliptical, before I started running,now I kick myself. My problem with the elliptical (and was even referred to in a mfp post as more common than I thought) my feet go numb on the elliptical. I also find I get bored easier on the elliptical and don't stay on as long because of it. Also, check out craigslist, they may be cheaper than you think.
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    Yeah I was looking at craigslist, they had some pretty good deals. I think I'm leaning more towards a treadmill.
  • danalin26
    danalin26 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a die hard elliptical fan. I can't stand running, but I can run on my elliptical for 60-90 minutes with no problem. It's a great workout. You can increase the incline and also the resistance. You just need to make sure you get a decent one. You pay for what you get. I love the Precor machines at the gym, but I can't afford $3500. We went with a Sole Elliptical. SO worth the money. Very very similar to the Precor's. HTH :)
  • Ok, thanks! I'll look in to that. I hope they aren't to expensive.

    I've owned both, I LOVE the elliptical, I burn more calories and can work out longer, treadmill was really bad on my knees... I recently bought a newer elliptical on craigslist. retail value was $ 1,400.00, got it for $ 300.00 in excellent condition ... I did my research and got the one that best fit my needs... Good luck :)
  • Asking about "Elliptical vs Treadmill" is like asking "Ford vs Chevy"... Everyone's going to have their likes and dislikes. This is a very subjective question, so the best advice really is to go to Sears or your local sports store and try 'em both out. You may find that you hate one or the other. Like most have already said, get the one that you enjoy most and will most likely stick with. ;)

    Elliptical machines though are a lot less impact than treadmills are, so if you have any knee problems or shin splints, etc, then the elliptical is a good choice. The movements are a lot more fluid and smooth.

    I personally am a bit heavy, so for me the elliptical is perfect. When I run or jog, my knees tend to start hurting and I get those nasty shin splints and even back aches. I get none of that with the elliptical, and I can do a much more intense and longer workout with the elliptical than I can on the treadmill. Plus, if I want to walk/jog/run, there's a free place I go called "outside" that's a LOT more interesting than a treadmill. haha ;)

    From personal experience using some home treadmills, there is a tendency for the motor to really bog down when you take a step (especially when jogging). This has, on many occasion, thrown me off balance. I don't usually have that issue at the gym, so make sure you test out any machine you get really well beforehand.

    Whichever you decide, you're going to be better off than without anything at all! So good luck!

  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Running outside is free :)

    I hate treadmills/elipticals. I'd rather sleep. XD
    I enjoy going outside, tackling hilly roads, stairs, etc etc.
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    really depends on you. Elliptical vs. Treadmill google it, I did awhile back. ( I still use both at the gym) A treadmill is proven to burn more calories, yet an ellipitcal is easier on your joints.

    I myself think if I brought one into my home it would become a coat rack. Although, I personally like the Ellipitcal, Treadmill is boring to me.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Lately, I've been alternating between the two at the gym. I'll elliptical for 10 minutes (using 4-5 pound hand weights), then run on the treadmill for 10 minutes. I try to do this for at least an hour. Alternating between the two really helps to break up the monotony.

    What I've found is that if I'm running (as opposed to walking), the treadmill burns more calories and pushes my heart rate higher than I can achieve on the elliptical, even with the resistance fairly high. But the elliptical is more of a workout than walking at a brisk pace on the treadmill. Especially with the hand weights. That's just my experience ... I'm sure everybody is different.

    Personally, I like the combination of the two. I'm using this method to build up my running stamina.
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