Anyone workout with kettlebells?

gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I just picked up the Danskin Now 5lb Kettlebell today at Walmart. I was going to pick up the 10 because the 5lb seemed too light but after doing a few curls with the 10 lb I thought, "nahh!" lol

Anyway, I heard kettle bells burn MAD calories. Something like on average 20 calories a minute. I'm guessing that's for the average-sized person. I'm petite, so I'm going to adjust it to something like 15 cals a minute for me. That's still like 400 for a 30 minute workout. I'm hoping to get great results from it.

I'm about to get off of here to do the workout. It came with a DVD of 3 workouts and the kettlebell and was only $13! I will update and let ya know how it goes!


  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    that sounds a lill exxaggerate calorie burning wise, you may want to check on that :) BUT i do like kettlebells, i got the 10lb at wallyworld as well, only have done it a couple times though :-x oops
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Where did you purchase your kettleball + workout dvds? Sounds like fun and something different to keep me interested.
  • I know it does sound exaggerated. I found all of this research online that says they burn on average 20 calories per minute. I tried entering it on here and Sparkpeople and couldn't find anywhere that it was already listed in the database, so I have no idea the actual caloric burn!

    FabulousFifty- I got it at Walmart! :happy:
  • i have one and love it. definitely see more definition in my arms. easier to hold and not so easy to drop like other weights. good luck. not so sure about that calorie burn you're talking about though. be careful with that.
  • Hi! I can't wait to hear how you liked your kettleball workout. Please let us know! I have lifted weights for 10 years, but never used the kettleball. Very curious!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I too have the Gin Miller workout- I've started out only doing the first 2 total of 15 minuteswith the 5# bell, just finished my 4th day (one on one off) and I've all ready seen a difference (scale and tape measure):noway: ! And yes, I've checked with several sources all saying around 20 cals per min is the average burn! I tend to believe it since I've been doing loaded 12 min miles (36-60 min) and not breaking a sweat- 6 min with Gin and I'm soaked!!! I've been logging as 17 cal/min to be conservative.

    Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • I definitely need definition in my arms! I'm looking for all over definition but definitely in the arms.
  • i have one and love it. definitely see more definition in my arms. easier to hold and not so easy to drop like other weights. good luck. not so sure about that calorie burn you're talking about though. be careful with that.
    I definitely need definition in my arms! I'm looking for all over definition but definitely in the arms.
  • I too have the Gin Miller workout- I've started out only doing the first 2 total of 15 minuteswith the 5# bell, just finished my 4th day (one on one off) and I've all ready seen a difference (scale and tape measure):noway: ! And yes, I've checked with several sources all saying around 20 cals per min is the average burn! I tend to believe it since I've been doing loaded 12 min miles (36-60 min) and not breaking a sweat- 6 min with Gin and I'm soaked!!! I've been logging as 17 cal/min to be conservative.

    Good Luck!:flowerforyou:

    PLUMSGRL - I am getting off of here now to try it. Really hoping to get a good workout. I'm going to log 15 cals per minute to be conservative since I'm petite.
  • Hi! I can't wait to hear how you liked your kettleball workout. Please let us know! I have lifted weights for 10 years, but never used the kettleball. Very curious!

    Chickabittie - I'll let ya know!
  • I LOVE my kettle bells. Dvds came with mine when I got them. I love how it works your whole body.
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    i workout out with a 10 pounder 3 times a week. i love it!!!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    :( mine didn't come with DVDs. But I bought Jillian's Shred It with Weights. I use a 10lbs. And I love it. Its hard and I sweat buckets, but I love LOL
  • Its not the best quality, but there are some videos on youtube of kettlebell workouts. I have a 20lb for swings (their easy), and 2 15lbs and a 10lb for harder stuff. I would suggest using baby powder on your hands or getting some lifting gloves... if not you might start caluses(sp?:blushing: ) Also, don't forget to take your watch off. I forgot once and... well... the face of my watch is not very pretty :embarassed: opps
  • I bought the one with the 5lb kettle bell. I should have gotten the 10. Although I feel like I got a decent workout, I think I am ready for the 10lb. Going to pick that one up soon. I am waiting on Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred to come. Going to start doing that also. But yeah, I ended up sweating a lot and I'm pretty sore today so I can see how it's working! I"ll be really sore when I start the 10! It's fun and fast! Did 30 mins (2 sessions last night). I plan to do all 3 sessions tonight.
  • Awesome, thanks for the updates, and thanks to everyone else who shared their opinions. :flowerforyou:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I love my kettlebell work outs. I use a 20 and 25lb. Lorna Kleidman has a book called Kettlebells for Women (or something like that). It has three super plans in it. I believe she is supposed to be coming out with a DVD soon. My abs and shoulders definitely got the benefit the fastest. I totally agree that the calorie burn is higher, it's quite a work out.

    My problem is - my ceiling is low where I use them, with the cement floor room, and I've knocked a couple holes in the ceiling. I have yet to fully do a correct "get up" but I do a modified one frequently.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Look up mbodystrength on youtube. Crazy kb workouts!
  • Check out for kb workouts they are tough but are posted by a qualified kb instructor married to a personal trainer
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