Biggest Loser Product Placement

Typically I don't like when companies put their product in movies or t.v. shows. But....... I caught part of the Biggest Loser last week when they were having breakfast. They were eating Fiber One. I bought it - yeah, I know I'm a victim.

It's tastes like tree bark. But there is no sugar, 1/2 the amount of fiber you need in a day, and really low sodium. I've never tried the other ones because it has sugar - and as a sugar addict, I need to stay away from it as much as I can.

Won't go into TMI, but I really needed the fiber. I guess if you're over 40 like I am, you do too.

I can't believe I'm endorsing a product - but thought it was worth a share.


  • Lindsay7360
    I THINK it's Fiber One bars... the caramel ones... YUM!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm honestly not a fan of the blatent product placement in the Biggest Loser. I never liked the taste of Fiber One either. I wish BL didn't have such scripted product placement that they try to make look like it's part of the show. I get they need to make money or whatever, but It just irritates me when they do it.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    I really like the Fiber One Frosted Mini Wheats, especially when I'm needing a sugar fix.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I put Fiber One in the food processor to make "crumbs" for oven fried chicken and porkchops! Yum!!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    lol anyone watching the gum product placement
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I love Fibre 1!! Its my favorite because it is not to sweet!
  • doris_day
    I put Fiber One in the food processor to make "crumbs" for oven fried chicken and porkchops! Yum!!

    Oh that's brilliant - I can sneak it in for my kids. Thank you.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    lol anyone watching the gum product placement

    I was watching it and laughing hysterically cause I had just read this post!!!!!
  • KristenY18
    I actually bought the gum before I saw the show...and let me tell ya I wasnt as impressed as the contestants! Its good, but doesnt not come close to ending my craving for a bowl of mint choc chip ice made me want it more LOL :P
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I tried the key lime gum myself (again, before it was so blatantly advertised on the show) and it was OK. The flavor didn't last very long and the gum was really chewy. I mean, I know it's supposed to be chewy because it's gum, but it was too chewy... Not sure how to explain it. Anyway, I think I'll stick to Orbit gum.