okay I'm new at this and I'm having a hard time fitting in a workout in my schedule. With school, work, meetings and studying, it seems hard to walk away, put on some running shoes and going out there walking around for 30-45 min. Do you guys have any tips that can help me out?

Second, I'm having a problem when it comes to food. As I said I'm a little busy and because I am in college, I spend more time in the library then I do at home, so I can cook health meals. When I do eat after class, I can't really say that I eat the healthiest food. ANd since I started this last week, I;ve been feeling weak and sleepy all the time. Any tips that can help me out would be great. Thanks


  • Silver637
    okay I'm new at this and I'm having a hard time fitting in a workout in my schedule. With school, work, meetings and studying, it seems hard to walk away, put on some running shoes and going out there walking around for 30-45 min. Do you guys have any tips that can help me out?

    Second, I'm having a problem when it comes to food. As I said I'm a little busy and because I am in college, I spend more time in the library then I do at home, so I can cook health meals. When I do eat after class, I can't really say that I eat the healthiest food. ANd since I started this last week, I;ve been feeling weak and sleepy all the time. Any tips that can help me out would be great. Thanks
  • artydenise
    artydenise Posts: 1 Member
    I would suggest for those times when you are in a hurry is pasta. Particularly if you can get hold of fresh pasta it will only take minutes to cook. Put this with a healthy pasta sauce and some tinned tuna for a quick healthy filling meal. Pasta is also a low GI food so it will fill you up for a while, and is also cheap.

    Keep going, don't give up, there are plently of healthy quick meals out there, we just have to choose them. Easy to say, but we are all there for each other.

    I heard this today and thought I would share it.... "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."
  • krysten
    I am a single mom with a full time job so I am also very busy. I have just started this program too. One thing I do try to always do is have a healthy snack in my purse I can munch on if I get hungry. It saves me from grabbing anything I see. Try an orange, apple, or even a low fat granola bar... it sounds silly, but with a quick snack with me... I do not feel the need to run and grab a chocolate bar, or fast food.
    Stay Strong!
  • ukbrat1
    ukbrat1 Posts: 10
    Hi there have only just started this. I like you could never find time to exercise, as I am at the computer most of the time it is hard to get out and actually exercise as such. I find the walking the dog at a moderate pace good. I also keep near my computer dumb bells so that I can do some strength training if they are right in your sights then you are more likely to use them. I work from home so I moved the treadmill into my office just having it look at me is enough to get me out of my seat. Maybe as you are out most of the day you should try parking your car away from your final destination and adding that to the walk section of the diet. When I am finding it hard to exercise I add that walking into the mix. It is not always much but it does help. I really like the treadmill as with winter in my part of the world looming it will be a god send.
    Good luck and don't give up.
  • smithdawnr
    i am also a mother , wife , student and studier and i find it difficult not to snack during lectures. if i pack some quakes rice cake snacks (they make lots of yummy flavors) and only have 60 calories i can still snack during lecture or while studying without eating alot of empty calories baked lays are also an ok choice. I also eat subway alot it's quick and with only 300 calories a sub it still fits in nicely with my plan.
    good luck,
  • Silver637
    hi everyone, thanks for the tips. i really admire that you guys are out there keeping up w/ ur family, work and school and still doing this, it shows me that I can do it too. Since it's still my first week, i actually got out and had some exercise the other day. It's been over a 2 years since I've exercised and it felt really good. I also park my car farther away in the school parking lot and at work so that i can take a longer walks. But I was planning to go grocery shopping on Monday, so thanks for the tip on snacks because I know that I'll need them. So far so good, but I did make a goal to keep my walking plan for a month without trying to quite.