Why isn't this working?



  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Do you weigh ALL your food? Not all bananas, pears, broccoli, eggs, etc. are created equal.

    Two bananas that appear to be the same size often are different weights-120 calories and 90 calories, and they were not that much different in size.

    Weigh that cup of strawberries or watermelon and you will be surprised.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    2lbs a week loss is not aggressive for someone around 160lbs.
    Yes it is, especially since her ticker says she wants to lose only about 25 pounds more.
  • apathetastic
    apathetastic Posts: 14 Member
    I don't think so either, especially since an ideal weight for my height is often quoted at 115. (I'm hoping for 130, that would be fine with me.)

    But I'm trying to lose a bit more because my wedding is coming in 3 months. As stated in the original post, I don't expect to lose 2 lbs per week.
  • apathetastic
    apathetastic Posts: 14 Member
    No, I don't weigh it all. But I do pay attention to whether it says "large" or "medium" banana, for example. Perhaps I'll start weighing more of my food, you aren't the only one to suggest that.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Ok, everybody in my family thinks I'm the exercise freak because I workout ALOT (I run marathons), currently working out two hours/day, generally. Im not going to even entertain the idea that you should do THAT, but I would say, aside from the food issues, working out only twice a week....not going to cut it to lose weight. I would gain weight if I only worked out twice a week.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    No, I don't weigh it all. But I do pay attention to whether it says "large" or "medium" banana, for example. Perhaps I'll start weighing more of my food, you aren't the only one to suggest that.
    Food scales are cheap. Go get one and what you see will surprise you.

    Small, medium, and large are all in the eye of the beholder. :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Ok, everybody in my family thinks I'm the exercise freak because I workout ALOT (I run marathons), currently working out two hours/day, generally. Im not going to even entertain the idea that you should do THAT, but I would say, aside from the food issues, working out only twice a week....not going to cut it to lose weight. I would gain weight if I only worked out twice a week.
    Exercise is not necessary to lose weight. It's calories in/calories out.
  • apathetastic
    apathetastic Posts: 14 Member
    No, I don't weigh it all. But I do pay attention to whether it says "large" or "medium" banana, for example. Perhaps I'll start weighing more of my food, you aren't the only one to suggest that.
    Food scales are cheap. Go get one and what you see will surprise you.

    Small, medium, and large are all in the eye of the beholder. :smile:

    I have one, I just don't use it for everything. I use it when the serving size calls for it, like when pasta says that 2 oz is a serving.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Ok, everybody in my family thinks I'm the exercise freak because I workout ALOT (I run marathons), currently working out two hours/day, generally. Im not going to even entertain the idea that you should do THAT, but I would say, aside from the food issues, working out only twice a week....not going to cut it to lose weight. I would gain weight if I only worked out twice a week.
    Exercise is not necessary to lose weight. It's calories in/calories out.
    No, its not, but relying on diet alone is not the way to a completely healthy and toned body, and it certainly helps with weight loss, no disputing that since it is CALORIES OUT (not in). If you would like to not exercise, that's your prerogative, me personally, I like to be active.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Ok, everybody in my family thinks I'm the exercise freak because I workout ALOT (I run marathons), currently working out two hours/day, generally. Im not going to even entertain the idea that you should do THAT, but I would say, aside from the food issues, working out only twice a week....not going to cut it to lose weight. I would gain weight if I only worked out twice a week.
    Exercise is not necessary to lose weight. It's calories in/calories out.
    No, its not, but relying on diet alone is not the way to a completely healthy and toned body, and it certainly helps with weight loss, no disputing that since it is CALORIES OUT (not in). If you would like to not exercise, that's your prerogative, me personally, I like to be active.
    Where did I say I don't like to exercise? I run 4 to 6 miles 2 to 3 days a week and heavy weight lift 3 days a week.

    You told her exercising two days a week was not going to cut it for weight loss, and you are dead wrong.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    No, I don't weigh it all. But I do pay attention to whether it says "large" or "medium" banana, for example. Perhaps I'll start weighing more of my food, you aren't the only one to suggest that.
    Food scales are cheap. Go get one and what you see will surprise you.

    Small, medium, and large are all in the eye of the beholder. :smile:

    I have one, I just don't use it for everything. I use it when the serving size calls for it, like when pasta says that 2 oz is a serving.
    You look fantastic, by the way. You've come a long way.

    Another question I forgot: as you've lost weight have you manually prompted MFP to adjust your calorie intake? You should do so every ten pounds because as you get smaller your caloric needs decrease.
  • apathetastic
    apathetastic Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, I have adjusted the calories. 1200 was what was given to me at ~165.

    And thanks! That's very kind of you. That old picture was from 6 years ago, at about 70 lbs heavier than I am today.
  • apathetastic
    apathetastic Posts: 14 Member
    Ok, everybody in my family thinks I'm the exercise freak because I workout ALOT (I run marathons), currently working out two hours/day, generally. Im not going to even entertain the idea that you should do THAT, but I would say, aside from the food issues, working out only twice a week....not going to cut it to lose weight. I would gain weight if I only worked out twice a week.
    Exercise is not necessary to lose weight. It's calories in/calories out.
    No, its not, but relying on diet alone is not the way to a completely healthy and toned body, and it certainly helps with weight loss, no disputing that since it is CALORIES OUT (not in). If you would like to not exercise, that's your prerogative, me personally, I like to be active.

    You're probably correct in that I could add more workouts to my routine. It would burn more. I'm just not as huge on working out as you obviously are! :) I'll try to add an extra one in the week. Thanks for your suggestion.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Ok, everybody in my family thinks I'm the exercise freak because I workout ALOT (I run marathons), currently working out two hours/day, generally. Im not going to even entertain the idea that you should do THAT, but I would say, aside from the food issues, working out only twice a week....not going to cut it to lose weight. I would gain weight if I only worked out twice a week.
    Exercise is not necessary to lose weight. It's calories in/calories out.
    No, its not, but relying on diet alone is not the way to a completely healthy and toned body, and it certainly helps with weight loss, no disputing that since it is CALORIES OUT (not in). If you would like to not exercise, that's your prerogative, me personally, I like to be active.
    Where did I say I don't like to exercise? I run 4 to 6 miles 2 to 3 days a week and heavy weight lift 3 days a week.

    You told her exercising two days a week was not going to cut it for weight loss, and you are dead wrong.
    aside from the government recommendation of exercise on most days of the week, merely for maintenance exercising only twice a week is not enough. Most days of the week (at least 4-5) there should be some exercise. I did not infer that you do not exercise. Nor did I say you don't like it. Clearly you do some exercise, and its obvious you workout most days of the week (including lifting) not just TWO.
    Everybody is different, certainly exercising most days of the week (not just two) is not an outlandish idea. Now that being said, everyone's body is different. Running only 4-6 miles on only 2-3 days out of the week would NOT keep me in race shape and would result in gain, but that is me. I am in a different age group (you are about two decades older) and a very different exercise and higher experience level(I've run the Boston marathon in addition to 6 others) but its not a bad thing.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Double post.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Ok, everybody in my family thinks I'm the exercise freak because I workout ALOT (I run marathons), currently working out two hours/day, generally. Im not going to even entertain the idea that you should do THAT, but I would say, aside from the food issues, working out only twice a week....not going to cut it to lose weight. I would gain weight if I only worked out twice a week.
    Exercise is not necessary to lose weight. It's calories in/calories out.
    No, its not, but relying on diet alone is not the way to a completely healthy and toned body, and it certainly helps with weight loss, no disputing that since it is CALORIES OUT (not in). If you would like to not exercise, that's your prerogative, me personally, I like to be active.
    Where did I say I don't like to exercise? I run 4 to 6 miles 2 to 3 days a week and heavy weight lift 3 days a week.

    You told her exercising two days a week was not going to cut it for weight loss, and you are dead wrong.
    aside from the government recommendation of exercise on most days of the week, merely for maintenance exercising only twice a week is not enough. Most days of the week (at least 4-5) there should be some exercise. I did not infer that you do not exercise. Nor did I say you don't like it. Clearly you do some exercise, and its obvious you workout most days of the week (including lifting) not just TWO.
    Everybody is different, certainly exercising most days of the week (not just two) is not an outlandish idea. Now that being said, everyone's body is different. Running only 4-6 miles on only 2-3 days out of the week would NOT keep me in race shape and would result in gain, but that is me. I am in a different age group (you are about two decades older) and a very different exercise and higher experience level(I've run the Boston marathon in addition to 6 others) but its not a bad thing.
    Of course exercise has its benefits, and I love exercising. But, you do realize that people can and do lose weight, as well as maintain, who do no exercise? Really, it's not necessary at all for weight loss or maintenance.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    I'm 5'1.5", 29 years old, around 161 pounds. For months, my daily calorie goal was set at 1360, and I plateaued. I updated MFP and it gave me a new goal of 1200 with 2 workouts a week to lose 2 lbs per week. (I realize I probably won't actually lose 2 lbs per week.)

    The first couple of weeks, it went great. I lost around 4 lbs. Now it's stopped again.

    I'm a pescetarian and I don't eat very much processed food. Usually in the morning I have non-fat yogurt, berries and a little granola. Most lunches, I eat a homemade fruit smoothie. For dinner I often make fish and vegetables or something with beans or whole wheat pasta. I drink water, sugar free Kool-Aid, or unsweet tea or coffee, no soda. I usually end up with about 1150 calories at the end of the day. I measure everything out. I don't normally eat back exercise calories.

    WHAT is going on? Why am I not losing, even if slowly?

    I know people are going to say that I'm not eating enough, but I think that's BS. I'm quite short and mostly sedentary, as I have a desk job. I do go to the gym, usually 1-2 times per week (pretty much all cardio), and I take an outdoor walk at least once per week. I'm not in "starvation mode," and I don't go hungry.


    Drink more water.

    Yes, I know.... You drink lots of water.......

    OK, So now that we are past that, drink more water. And then drink more water. It`s a gallon plus for me daily..
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    On the days I looked at, your sugar went over because of: chocolate candy, ice cream, raisins, and Larabars. All have added sugars, which is what made your sugar go over. Fresh or frozen fruit isn't the problem. I'd check ingredients to see which foods you are eating that contains added sugars. Having said that, I'm not sure that the sugar is what's stopping you from losing, since you eat healthily the rest of the time. But, if you want to lower your sugar, I'd lower the foods with the added sugars, not the fruit.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    PS, I know Larabars are "natural," but they do contain honey, dates, and other things that are sugary, just a different form of sugar from table sugar.