Weight still increasing.. disappointed.. need some motivatio

Hi everyone. It has been 4 days since I joined this website. I understand weight lost doesn't happen overnight but since I cut down my calories intake, my weight has been increasing (over the past 4 days). So far I have put on about 2kg or 4.4lbs since. :(

My problem is I have a sweet tooth, plus I like cheese, bacon, burgers and all the unhealthy stuff. I've cut back on those and decrease my calories intake from a whooping 3,000++ (i had no idea i ate that much, how scary!) to about 1,400 - 1,300 per day. Yet my weight has been going up.

I'm feeling miserable (without my favorite food) and disappointed. I will try to cut back my calories intake to 1,200 today. Has anyone else experienced this? How do you get over it? I honestly feel like just giving up...... :(


  • SandraMay1982
    2) drink water.
    3) make sure you are active

    I joined back in June, My ticker has only gone down two kgs since then. I went up and up. My problem? I wasn't pushing myself hard enough. I have joined the gym since. and the first week I am down 1.2kgs.
  • HidyleDidyle
    Don't give up...maybe you've cut things a bit drastically. Eat until you feel full, but only eat things that are healthy (e.g. fruits, veggies, high fibre) and I know a person gets tired of hearing this, but drink lots of water (not chemicals, but water). You might be going through a little withdrawal a bit, maybe that is why you aren't feeling very well. Hang in there....just give it some more time!
  • kacyc1117
    It'll get better, your body will have to get used to the changes you're making to it. I've worked with this website in the past and one week i would lose 10 lbs, next week, 3 or 4... and it took a long time for it to all start falling into place. It's really stressful, but the key is to try to stay as stress free as you can. :) Just enjoy life, find alternatives to your burgers and stuff... Imangine that one burger has 800 calories in it, wouldn't you much rather find something else that has, lets say 200 in it.. just as filling.. just as good, it just takes some research. i'm just to that point myself. I'm starting to research new ideas for meals and things since im about to go back to work after 3 full weeks off. That's my problem. :) If you ever need any help, MFP is a great support system for anyone trying to lose weight, its just a matter of getting into the swing of things. Trust me it'll get better. Just watch your calorie intake, make sure to stay hydrated, drink PLENTY of water, and it'll eventually start to melt off when your body catches up. I wish you the best. :) You can add me as a friend if you like, we can be each others support systems also. :)
  • konks123
    Don't starve yourself! Eat all your calories, or your metabolism will slow = weight gain... and drink lots of water. But most importantly, stay positive!!!! You need to congratulate yourself on every success no matter how small. Seriously, as someone who also actually enjoys food, its a constant battle and you need to pat yourself on the back as often as possible! Keep going :) and throw out the scale.
  • catiedawnwoods76
    You also have to realize you have just shocked the *$#^ out of your body. Your body is probably in starvation survival mode trying to hold on thinking that your starving yourself. Don't freak because again you've added stress on yourself, which as sad as it is holds the pounds on. Also what have you been eating?? Has it been high in sodium? Retention. You will see the results!! DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED!!!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Many of us did not lose the first week - or TWO! Eat healthy and eat often - small meals. Drink water and exercise. It will come off! Don't weigh everyday - just dissappoints - weigh the same time on the same day every week - same scale too.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member

    Read this post. It's long, but everyone who wants to lose weight should read it. It may help you to understand what is going on inside your body right now. Whatever you do, don't give up. This battle is worth fighting.