Oh, ugh..

Today, I was doing really well up until dinner time. I am a very light eater, I usually don't have an appetite very often so I eat things that hold me over for awhile which usually consists of fruit. Unfortunately, I have a weakness for pasta and went way over how much I was supposed to eat and man, do I feel terrible.

Saturday, I binged like no other and I'm scared all of this is gonna come back and bite me in the bum! I usually weigh myself every Saturday morning. Anyone have any tips to get me back into the swing of things by then?


  • katoka97
    katoka97 Posts: 62 Member
    I would love to look at your food diary...how often that happens? how many times do you eat? maybe eating small portions more often would help...do you exercise?
    Don't stress too much...tomorrow is a new day!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You'll be fine! You have to eat 3500 calories to gain a pound. There might be a little water weight from extra sodium but that's it. It's good to splurge every so often. Keeps your body and your metabolism from getting used to the same caloric intake every day. Gotta have at least one day a week to eat the foods you love without guilt.