opinions on carbs..



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Carbs are a macro-nutrient...that's my opinion anyway.

    In all seriousness though, most people who eat the SAD could stand to reduce carbohydrate intake in order to balance out their diets. That doesn't mean low carbing is necessary...people just eat in a very unbalanced way. Most people find that when they "clean" up their diets and balance them out, they tend to take in a more reasonable amount of carbohydrates and they tend to be from more nutritious sources which generally results in winning.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Weight loss is primarily calories in vs calories out. But, calories in effects calories out.

    My belief is that there is likely some individual variability as far as individual response to carbohydrate and how that effects mood, performance, behavior, and diet adherence which will then effect weight loss.

    ^^This! I for example have problems, when I eat too many grain-carbs....bloating, gas, less weightloss, water retention. potato and veggie based carbs don't do that to me. A bit is OK, but if I eat to many grain / sugary carbs, that happens quickly. My Digestion seems to need animal based protein to function best. Doesn't have to be alot, but consumed on a regular basis . I also try to limit processed foods due to the hydrogenated fats and high sodium contents. Also things that cause me to retain water, bloat up a bit.

    You need to find out, what is good for you. IMO, a varied diet with lots of veggies, fruits and self prepared meals is best, but there may be some foods you react to negatively.