C2K? Please..pick..me...up!! (wait, let me rest for 5 second


Today I did my day 1, day 2 of C2K.. I did the entire workout but WOW, I was exhausted..

I've never really jogged before but today.. for 60 long seconds....between my 90 second walking.. I was doing it!!! (over and over)

Any tips? Running shoe preferences?

I felt awkward and was afraid to let go of the treadmill sides.. but I did.. it feels weird.. like I was not balanced..

Best way to get over that "fear?"


  • SandraMay1982

    I am too afraid to let go of the treadmil while walking at 5kmph *L* (3.5mph). I am sure that confidence comes with time.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Genna I didn't know you started that! I'm so proud of you! I'll text you a pic of my running shoe. They are asisc and a lot of runners I've talked to likes Asics. My advise is to make sure you shop around. There is a running store downtown Austin called Runtex. They will watch you run on a treadmill and find the shoe that is perfect for you. Text me any questions or ask me at work. Great job!!
  • kate205gti
    kate205gti Posts: 84 Member
    yay nice work :bigsmile: im on week 4 now - same as you i could never run before, but C25K plan really does seem to work! my only tips are keep your chest up and look ahead in the distance - seems to make it easier for me! cant do the breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth thing - need too much air! ive got a ancient paid of trainers need to replace them really so will watch this thread for advice

    keep at it before you know it you'll be jogging for 30 mins!! (me too hopefully!) :bigsmile:
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm a C25K graduate :). I started back in August, got to about W3, quit, then started back up. It is hard, especially if you went from no running at all, to this program.

    Keep at it. That's about the only advice I can give you. It gets easier. Trust me when I say I couldn't run for 20 seconds straight! You will surprise yourself! Last week, when I was able to do a 5k on the treadmill, I almost cried when I was finished because I was so happy.

    You can do it!!

  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    As far as sneakers, I ran a 5k wearing asics. They were pretty comfortable. Lately I had been using New Balance, but then I tried a pair of the Reebok Zig Techs. They are the most comfortable shoe I have ever worn. I highly recommend them!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    A few years ago when I was running on my treadmill I found that (this will sound weird) but when I turned up the speed to my treadmill it was easier because I found the balance of speed I needed to run. When I had it slower it seemed more awkward and it didn't meet my stride. If that makes since. It was like stumbling to catch up. You will find yours just keep adjusting the speed you try to see what fits. Hope that helps!