NOTHING fits w/25 xtra lbs. Let's do this 50 yr olds!

Okay, I've hit the wall. Can only wear yoga pants and stretchy skirts. Yipes. This Winter was rather brutal here in the Northeast and I hardly exercised except to walk the dog. I'm paying for the lack of movement now, with 25 extra pounds on my hips/thighs/and stomach. I'm ready to fight - cut down the carbs, and get moving so that at least by the end of the Summer, I'll be stronger, feel better, and be able to wear my clothes! Who's with me?


  • pammermom
    pammermom Posts: 3 Member
    I am with you! I am tired of stretchy clothing, but currently that is all that is comfy right now. I remember having a conversation with my grandmother about my mom's stretchy pants when my mom was in her 50's. It must be payback time, because now I am 51 and wearing the same pants. It was a particularly rough winter here in the midwest, as well. I put on 12 pounds and that on top of the 10 I put on the year before. I am so excited, because I am loving this app. I am keeping track of my food and making wiser food choices. I am bound and determined to fit into my clothes again!!