I hit my plateau?

I am really worried. I weighed myself and despite eating 500-1200 calories for the last month, I suddenly stopped losing weight. I'm hoping that I gained a few pounds of water weight, but that's just really optimistic and probably irrational thinking.

Today I'm going to do my first calorie shift and start zigzag dieting, in an attempt to trick my metabolism to get it back into shape. I'm going to try to consume at least 2000 calories. I hope that tomorrow when I go back to my low carb, low calorie and moderate cardio, it will help, but I heard that it can take weeks to beat the plateau and that really worries me because every day I looked forward to losing more weight.


  • FaithfulJewel
    FaithfulJewel Posts: 177 Member
    Why were you on such a low calorie amount? As a young adult male, your "recommended average" daily calories should be around 2400, so if you're overweight/highly active, your TDEE would be higher than that already.

    Have you put your stats into an online calculator, such as IIFYM, and worked out your TDEE (based on activity levels along with your vitals) and your BMR?

    This is a concern for your overall health and well-being. Being on such a low calorie amount for a long time can do lasting damage. If you let us know your height/weight/goal weight/activity level (how many days a week you train cardio, for example) we would be able to help you further.

    Please let us know. From what you've said, it sounds like you're in metabolic trouble.
  • kayleighfurfie
    I don't know a lot about it - but a low calorie count probably means your metabolism isn't working hard enough so when you are eating it won't burn it.

    I'm a 23 year old 5"2 female and I eat FIVE times a day to keep my metabolism up!

    Maybe that would help?

    Again, I'm not an expert haha
  • wwwsam
    wwwsam Posts: 10
    Three teaspoons of coconut oil, one with breakfast, lunch and dinner . Helped me get over my plateau and I started dropping body fat again. Also you said you eat 500-1200 calories a day. For most people anything less than 1200 calories a day is just not enough fuel to keep your metabolism up. Without enough fuel your body will start breaking down muscle tissue for fuel and storing fat for future use. Instead of zigzaging try keeping your calorie intake at 1200- 1500. There's really no tricking the body on calories. Its as simple as Burning more calories than Calories being eaten. Now you can trick your muscle by switching your workout routine up. As an example if you walk on the treadmill 3 days a week try changing it up by adding a incline one day then the next day ride a statuary bike or use the elliptical and so on. You start using muscles you never used before and increase gains.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    With just 15lbs to lose you are probably on too aggressive a deficit but as your ticker shows no loss so far why are you calling this a plateau?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Did you really mean to write that you where only consuming 500/1200 calories per day??? I may have read that wrong.
    If so, that seriously is not enough food.
  • w734q672
    w734q672 Posts: 578 Member
    I feel the best way to break plateaus is through Cross Fit. It's because you will have people around you doing stuff that you just wouldn't do by yourself, and that helps. I think being surrounded by like minded people will help you break your plateau. Plus, the culture in Cross Fit will definitely jump start your metabolism into fat burning mode, because all the exercises that you'll be doing is set to increase work capacity across broad time and modal domains