Anyone else parched!?

It is so weird. I'm not sure if it's my mind playing tricks on me, or if I'm out of whack of something.
Back story: I am really bad and lazy about drinking my 8 glasses of water a day. If it's not within arms reach, I pretty much will wait until I'm thirsty (read dehydrated).
Friday I decided to get my rear in gear and start making time for a better, healthier me, including working out (starting small, walking the dogs 45 mins each day) and making darn sure I drink at LEAST 8-8oz glasses of water.
Yesterday I rocked it with a happy 96oz. It was actually really hard for me to do, but I managed it. This morning however, I downed my first 32oz with no issues whatsoever. I was/still kind of am just freaking parched!
No way I could acclimate to it that quickly, or is my body just freaking out because it's finally getting the fluids it's needed for the past 5 years? Any thoughts?


  • history_grrrl
    history_grrrl Posts: 214 Member
    I'm curious to see what other people say about this, because I've had the same experience. Until I joined MFP, I rarely drank water (or any liquids). Then I got a water bottle and starting drinking a fair amount, regularly. Now it's part of my routine. But if there's a day when I forget the bottle or for some other reason don't have access to water, I notice right away that I feel dehydrated and *must* have water. I've also wondered about this, so I'm glad you asked!
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    Probably it could be many things.

    Often people confuse the feeling of thirst with hunger (ie. thinking they are hungry and eating food when they are, in fact, thirsty instead) when you change your eating habits and become more aware of what you feel like when you're hungry vs. thirsty it can just be you noticing more what it feels like to be thirsty.

    It could be your body letting go of any water it was holding onto so now you need it more consistently?

    Also, if it continues and you are sure that you really are thirsty all the time even when being properly hydrated then it wouldn't hurt to get your blood sugar levels checked, if you've changed your diet/activity level significantly recently.

    I'm also curious to see what others say because I'm sure that I've read other people saying this has happened to them.