So, what's your story?

Hi fellow fitness bunnies, and guys? Sorry, I don't know what to call the dudes around here. Ha ha. I'm new around these parts, and I'd love to get to know everyone (especially you Canadians out there!). So I was wondering if you'd like to tell me how you came across the site, or how your progress has been to motivate me even more. I'll share my story first.

I've never been a small girl, but never fat/overweight. I have always been big into fitness. I played soccer in my youth and was generally active. But when I was 18, I stopped playing, got lazy, got a bit chubby. Then one day I got it together and started going in the gym everyday. It worked great, but I found myself tired (worked 20hrs per week and went to university full time) so I eventually stopped again.
Then my mom suggested going every other day that way my body had time to recover. I tried it, and I've never looked back. It works perfectly for me. Though I exercised a fair bit, my diet sucked. I usually ate whatever was fast and cheap (student and all) so it was usually frozen foods, soup or processed garbage and sweets. That way I gained like 20 lbs :(
Recently, I've had gallbladder issues (horrible attacks that literally feel like a heart attack but severe abdominal pain instead) went to many doctors, and many tests later with still no answers. I went to a nature path doctor and she pinpointed the gallbladder and told me that I needed to change my diet. So I went on gluten free and low fat diet. Few months later I feel fantastic. (If you ever have gallbladder/liver trouble go see a nature path doctor!! Really recommend it!) I dropped like 10 lbs through this trouble (couldn't eat a damn thing, stomach wouldn't have it).

I actually stumbled across this page and it was exactly what I was looking for. Now I monitor what I eat carefully, and I'm already getting good results.
So that's my ramble/story.

I'd love to hear yours!


  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Happy to hear you're getting back on track!

    I started out very active when I was younger-- soccer, tennis, swimming, skating, gymnastics, tennis.. the list goes on. Highschool hit, along with laziness. Gained weight, naturally.

    When I started college I started going to the gym and lifting, and I love it. But I no longer have access to a free gym since I graduated, so I'm trying out Shaun T's Focus T25 and doing some resistance training with bands as well. So we'll see where that goes!

    My diet sucks, so I got into MFP to be more conscious of what I eat and how much. I can see myself getting addicted to this.. I love the simplicity, and it blows my mind how the app knows every single barcode I scan... like HOW??
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Canadian here...add me...

    My story is simple of sorts, always heavy, got married had 3 kids. A couple of tragedies, gained weight, gastric surgery, another tragedy lost weight, gained weight and here I am on mfp.
    I am LOVING IT... never been so motivated in my life.