Those last few pounds...

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
Gaaaaaah! I've eaten 1950 calories in average in the last month. My TDEE is 2100 or more. That's with the 5-6 hours a week setting on Scooby - I do closer to 10 hours (walking/running/cycling/lifting), but it's not intense, so I go with moderate, although calculators that have the 'exercise every day' option give me a TDEE of 2200 (and I often exercise twice a day). If anything, I was losing MORE than what Scooby was projecting until now by using their number. But this month... Nothing. Just water weight gain after water weight gain, going down to my lowest occasionally, and going back up the next day.

I'm getting beyond frustrated. And yes I weigh every single thing that I eat (diary might not reflect that, but I know how many grams are for '1/2 cup' of veggies or whatever else I use, and I'm too lazy to redo all the entries).

Is anyone else struggling with their last pounds? I haven't got a real period in 3 months so I know my hormones are out of whack, but still... I lost 1.5 pound a month the 2 months before that. Do I just have to be (more) patient? I'm not sure what my body fat is, probably between 22 and 23%, and I'm mostly just chasing the last few pounds on my hips.


  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    This might be out of line, but have you taken a pregnancy test? Your body may be trying to hang on to the wait because of that and that would explain your period loss. Also, large amounts of weight loss, like yours, and over-exercising can cause amenorrhea. I'd go to a doctor and get tested for thyroid and PCOS just to make sure, but not having your period for that long is a medical concern you should definitely look into.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm not pregnant. My GYN shrugged off my cycle irregularities, but I'm going to my doctor in 2 weeks anyway so I'll definitely mention it (and I'll have my blood checked after anyway). I still bleed, but it's so light I don't think it's my period.
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    try cutting back on your exercise a bit. Lack of period and lack of weight loss are probably due to this. You are overstressing your body.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't go nuts though.. just a 3 mile walk a day, sometimes some of it running, 30 minutes of bike, and a bit of weight lifting. It's maybe 300 calories worth.
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    try cutting back on your exercise a bit. Lack of period and lack of weight loss are probably due to this. You are overstressing your body.

    This, exactly. Twice a day working out 10 hrs a week, that's a lot. I think she may be right
  • Try a cheat day sometimes your metabolism needs to get kicked up a bit by getting some bad food. Also try weight training it boosts your metabolism for 48hrs after to increase muscle repair and if i were you id check your body fat percentage to make sure the last few pounds your losing are fat pounds. Sometimes people stop losing weight because if they lose anymore it would be towards their muscle. Hope this helps good luck!
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Try a cheat day sometimes your metabolism needs to get kicked up a bit by getting some bad food. Also try weight training it boosts your metabolism for 48hrs after to increase muscle repair and if i were you id check your body fat percentage to make sure the last few pounds your losing are fat pounds. Sometimes people stop losing weight because if they lose anymore it would be towards their muscle. Hope this helps good luck!

    This, take a day or three off to reset.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I do weigh train and I zigzag my calories. I just calculated the average... my goal is 1800 and I go over once or twice a week.

    Well I'm going in vacations this week anyway so who knows what will happen. Last week I was under my goal every day and all I did is gain 2 pounds of water weight.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    I had this problem losing the last pound to get to my goal - up and down a pound or less every day for about a month. So frustrating! I just kept going eating my calories and continuing my exercise program with one change - I started going to Zumba once a week instead of walking on the treadmill. After a few weeks I did lose that last pound, and I've continued to lose some more. I'm sure the same will be true for you, provided there are no hormonal issues involved.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    If anything I was going to say you could workout more, if your TDEE is 2100 and you're averaging 1950 in food, you could throw in a couple workouts to help you create a bigger deficit.

    Got any fitness items you've always wanted to try? :smile: I know you're doing two hours a day of walking, perhaps one could be something a bit more intense, a couple times a week
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I found scooby to be high for TDEE actually, by about 150...

    When I calculate my TDEE using my own data it works out to 2100...scooby gives me 2250...

    Perhaps try another site for your TDEE or use your own data since you do weigh all your food.

    Take a 3-4 week span...

    total calories consumed+(pounds lost x 3500)/# of days=TDEE...

    I found to be more accurate to my own data.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I found scooby to be high for TDEE actually, by about 150...

    When I calculate my TDEE using my own data it works out to 2100...scooby gives me 2250...

    Perhaps try another site for your TDEE or use your own data since you do weigh all your food.

    Take a 3-4 week span...

    total calories consumed+(pounds lost x 3500)/# of days=TDEE...

    I found to be more accurate to my own data.

    They all give me bigger numbers than Scooby though. And until 3 months ago I was using more than I should have with Scooby's numbers. With twice daily I get 2235 pretty much everywhere else.

    I don't always walk 2 hours a day, I run and cycle too. I'm going to try another program when I come back from vacations as well (PiYo).