Ten pounds to go but stuck in a weightloss ditch.

Hi, im 5'5" and i weigh 125lbs. I am tryin to lose my last ten pounds. 115-117 is a goal weight of mine. I have a very small bone structure and for me 110-115 would work with my body. I was that weight before and i was absolutely in love with how i looked. I really dont have a very good diet going. My eating habbits are more snacking then actual meals. And my workouts are at random and i miss some days when others i do alot of different kinds. My waist is 24.5 inches but still has a bit of fat around it. Same with my thighs. Im in a ditch. I cant lose any weight. And i really dont know what to do. Any advice for my weight loss? What i could do for some more overall fat loss. I do not have access to a gym without driving a big distance bc where i live is so small. Not sure what to do. Advice?

Thank you ????


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I think you know what to do. You mentioned the two reasons you are stuck in your post. You simply need to exercise regularly, not sporadically, and get your diet in check. You can snack all day if that's how your prefer to eat but just start tracking your caloric intake. Track your food for a week to determine your average calories that you maintain your weight on. Then reduce those calories by 10%. That plus regular exercise should get the scale moving. At your height and weight, the lbs will move off slow. 0.5 lbs a week might be the max you can lose weight at. I would also make the argument that building muscle, rather then losing fat, might be a better choice for you as far as aesthetics go. 110 would seem small to me at 5'5.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I agree 100% with vismal. Track your calories, exercise regularly. Set your goal at .5 pounds a week to lose. My guess is that you will find that your ideal body isn't 10 pounds away but rather right where you are at with more muscle definition. Start lifting those weights and you will see a big change in your body composition.
  • AiraEm
    AiraEm Posts: 3
    Thank you for the advice ????☺️
  • I think not having actual meals is the worst thing you can do since most snacks arent very high in the nutrients or your body needs. Also try to exercise 4-5 days a week for 1-2 hours this will improve your weight loss success when you do cardio your body goes into a "calorie burning mode" for about 30 minutes after running so if you lift weights after cardio you'll be more likely to burn more calories also after weights your body's metabolism speeds up for about 48hours. Good luck with your weight loss!!
  • danfeldman494
    danfeldman494 Posts: 18 Member
    I would definitely suggest some strength training! Pushups, pullups, squats, lunges, etc are all great choices to build some muscle. Having more muscle will actuallu make fat loss easier - muscle mass "competes" with fat tissue for glucose - so those extra carbs can feed your muscle rather than your fat. Plus, muscle literally burns calories just by sitting on your body! And you WON'T end up bulky!
  • On the same boat with you! The last 10 lbs are the worst!!! If you haven't started working out, as some has mentioned... I think adding it in will give you a boost. Do 3 days a week with switching between cardio and weight training. Eat smaller portions and more meals. Make sure you eat every 3-4 hours to boost metabolism. Drink detox water (fruit infused) to get rid of water weight. It should help. :)