Did awesome for four months.. now back to bad habits

I don't know what happened. From January through April I was rocking it! I lost 35 pounds and was feeling awesome. Dropped three/four pants sizes. Past two months I've been on this never ending binge of alcohol and junk food. I can only guess stress has done me in.

My new worker suddenly decided to hate my guts. For no reason. She was so mean and rude to me I fell into a deep depression.

I changed psychiatrists who took me off my highly stimulating medications and back on Zoloft (which I swear makes me fat but he swears it doesn't)

I've lost all motivation. All energy. All will power. I don't want to weigh 240 again. It's bad enough I'm at 207. I want to be healthy.. why can't I just get my crap together???


  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! Start fresh and don't obsess about your recent bad choices! Also resist (you know this) using food for medication when your upset (about your coworker) and to celebrate when you are doing well. You got this, just start fresh tomorrow!
  • dpdora13
    dpdora13 Posts: 14 Member
    I BELIEVE you that Zoloft make you fat, because it happed to me too. I don't know if you must go on with medicins, but try to exercise. Exercise is a whole package of Zoloft every day!! I know that when you begin the exercise you feel like your feet are 100 tons heavy. Just say to yourself that you will do only 10 mins, and then 15 every day will be better. You will not need Zoloft in couple of months. Try try my friend life is beautiful. Don't pay so much attention to other people, you are the star of your life. We are here to support you.