FTM Could use some post-pregnancy guidance

Hey everyone :) I'm a first time mom (FTM), currently 25 weeks pregnant. I've never been very successful with fitness but I'm not going to stop trying. I know within me is a strong fit dedicated woman, I'm just on a journey to find out how to tap into that.

I'd love some guidance on fitness after the baby arrives. I have lofty ideas in my mind of the type of person I want to be and how I know I could look, but at the same time I don't want to be unrealistic and set myself up for failure. It would be easy to say *now* that as soon as I'm not pregnant I'm going to hit 5x5 hard or do T25 6x/wk or whatnot - but considering I wasn't doing those things before I had an infant to care for, I don't think it's realistic to say I'm going to do them two weeks post partum. ;) I want to set up a plan now, ahead of time, that will help me reach my goals yet build gently enough that I can manage it and don't burn out. So if you are a mom and have done something that worked for you, or if you're anyone who has started from little to no exercise and gradually yet surely worked up to a fabulous routine and body, I'd love to hear from you!

Some details in case it helps:

- My ideal physique is strong, not thin. I'm not going for bulk but I'm not going for a runner's look either. I am naturally curvy and totally okay with that, I just want curvy muscles instead of curvy fat.

-Functional fitness is important to me. I want to be able to keep up with my son, and my army husband - maybe even revisit my goal of a Spartan race or similar.

- Before pregnancy I was working on C25K but got stalled due to foot pain (turns out I was wearing a very supportive shoe when I didn't need it and it made my foot go wonky, the pain stopped when I put the shoes away). I don't like running really but I'm open to doing something like that again - but marathons are NOT a goal for me.

- The success stories that appeal most to me are women who have done serious weight lifting. I love the way they look, and I'm not scared of weights.

- I am and will continue to be a full time homemaker. We are a single income family and finances are a real consideration.

- I'm due Oct 2nd, so consider the age of the baby in your suggestions if that's something you're familiar with. I.E. dropping a 6 wk old off at a gym childcare for two hours is probably not ideal for my situation.

- We are probably going to move to our next station sometime early next year. I'd like to either be able to seamlessly continue my routine, or possibly start it at that point - I really don't want to start something good in December but then get lost in transition in January.

- I am 5'7 and have been most pleased with my health around 140lbs or lower, but I'm not scared of higher numbers that are due to dense muscle. I started this pregnancy at 178 (very unhappy with that weight, I felt unhealthy and overweight) and right now I'm about 185 and increasing. I don't know what to expect in terms of how much I'll continue to gain or how quickly it will come back off but I would love to set a goal of at least being at a healthy BMI before baby Tristan turns 1, if that's reasonable.

Thanks for any suggestions. :) Oh and right now during pregnancy, I don't want to start weight lifting or running this late in the game but I am trying to establish the HABIT of working out, so when I'm ready all I'll have to change is the workout itself. I'm going for short walks and I have a 20 minute pilates/body weight routine I do that involves squats, planks, leg raises, dips, etc. It feels very mild to me but sometimes afterwards I still feel exhausted, so I guess that's a pregnancy thing. :)


  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm also 5'7". My pre-pg weight and my initial postpartum goal was 139, so very similar to yours.

    What I found most doable with infants was the 30 Day Shred or similar short workout videos that I could do while the babies were napping. I had a twin pregnancy to recover from and then was a bit overwhelmed at first taking care of two infants so I didn't start working out til my babies were 4-5 m old. We didn't join the Y till they turned 2 but in retrospect, being able to go there when they were about 6m+ would have been awesome.
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    I would recommend following a DVD program that incorporates strength training and cardio. ChaLEAN Extreme is a good one; Lindsay Brin (of Moms Into Fitness) has several post-natal programs that are great too. And also be gentle with yourself-- if you're like me, you won't be able to jump right back into intense exercise. I had to settle for walking (get a nice jogging stroller-- check Craigslist in your area because they can be pricey) for the first few months.

    Good luck to you!
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I'll look into the Chalean Extreme and Lindsay Brin. I already own 30 Day Shred so that one will be free for me! :) I'm actually about to pop it in and see if I can do it with modifications. My arms really need some help this summer but I'm not sure I'll be able to make a difference during pregnancy? Still it'll be good for me even if I can't see it. ;)

    Thanks for the help, I'd love any other tips people might have!