Trying to beat down my ED tendencies the healthy way

This sounds a bit like a miserable start, but I've had disordered eating issues since I was 11. I've only been chubby in my life, being 5'5 and 135 lbs at one point. My lowest weight was 115 lbs, which is still healthy for my height, but I was also doing cross country at the time so I had a tiny fat percentage. I know nothing about moderation. It's always all or nothing, eating one meal a day, not eating at all, or eating 5. Some months I've lost 8 lbs and others I've gained 5. It's a terrible way to live so now I'm determined to get myself on track.

I've always had this ideal weight, the golden number, of 110. I've never been able to obtain it. So right now I have this idea that I'll be satisfied at 115. In the past month I've eaten like a regular person for the most part, hovering around 1200 calories, which I feel guilt about sometimes. Currently I'm at 124 lbs. Alright, enough of the drama~
My usual exercise:
A very quick run in the morning. My school was really early so I had to get up at 4.30, leaving me only 15-20 minutes or so of moderate pace. I'm hoping to extend it this summer.
Then after school I usually go on a walk for 2 hours at least, with me straining to hold my dogs back (my biceps appreciate it) for about an hour of that walk. moderately paced as well.
Combined trampoline jumping that usually adds up to about a half hour of being on the trampoline.
Morning and night I try to do some very quick, 10-minute ab, back, and arm sessions.

I have an event coming up that I am very concerned about for my mental and physical well being. I'll be seeing my relative very soon, two weeks exactly, who is naturally just very, very thin. I'm talking the skeletal figures walking down a catwalk thin. I find just looking at her pictures triggers very awful thoughts in my mind, and the last time I saw her I just refused to eat for two days. This is not her fault at all, but I want to be prepared to realize that being in my body is okay when I see her perfect figure. I'd also like to lose a few before I see her, so I feel secure. This is fine because I've been losing consistently over the past month. I was 128 four weeks ago.

To get to the point, I've been wanting to try out these 3-day fasting plans for awhile now. I hear it helps creativity (I'm an artist), craving issues, and makes you appreciate food more! But I want to be safe with my food thoughts too. Something I defintiely need to do. Oh, did I also mention I'm a vegan?
Jeez, I'm a bit of a mess. Anyway, helloooo!