
After learning about this site, I am so encouraged about losing. I have tried in the past other ways and this way is a visual and I am held accountable for what I do and eat. Nothing like looking at what you put in your body to tell you to stop. I can't make excuses why I can't exercise either. I wish there were numbers about walking while wearing the shape up shoes. I really feel a difference when I wear them and am sure that should count towards our exercise programs. Anyway, day 3, here I come!! :wink:


  • dajumil
    You are doing great, I'm still making mulitple excuses, but I like seeing how each thing I touch to my mouth and what it is doing. It is really helping alot. My son and daughter in law are using it now, I want to see her get her trip promised to Hawii from my son.:love:
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome! This is a great website and I agree that for me it helps to write it all down. I like the visual and it helps me stay on track.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Welcome !!
    You can do this and we will support you all the way.
    Good Luck!!