Exercise when sick?

WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I woke up feeling like I had a sinus type cold..all in my head and nothing in my chest or anything. Head was hurting, throat was a bit sore and I have the sniffles. I had to put off Turbo Jam and I thought I could go walking later, but with the weather being cold, don't think it would be a good idea. Do you exercise by doing anything when you have a cold/flu? or is it just best I rest? I worry about gaining weight when I take a day off. I don't like taking days off.


  • I have had a sinus infection for weeks and I do try to walk ( I have a treadmill, so I'm not out in the weather) and it really helps me to feel better, I haven't been walking as far or as hard but I do TRY to walk some! Good luck and feel better soon!
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Sorry to hear your under the weather. :frown: . Ive also been really ill with sickness and diarrhoea and i lost 4lbs within 12 hours so im staying well away from exersize at the mo! :sick:

    I think its important to get your body back to its naural form before you start putting it under more pressure by running miles on end. Just wait till you feel better before you go back to your standard routine, if you do it now, you'l just feel like hell afterwards.

    Best of luck! x
  • Hi :

    Robert here from Newfoundland Canada. This is an article I found regarding your question.

    With the winter months bringing an increased number of colds, many adamant exercisers might be wondering if they should continue their exercise routine.

    Avid exercisers often make up their own rules. Oftentimes, exercisers only abstain from exercise if they have a high fever or weakness.

    But now studies have been conducted and finally prove that those that are sick can still exercise and reap benefits .After infecting a group of young men and women with a rhinovirus and having them run on a treadmill during the peak of their disease, researchers discovered that having a cold had no effect on the participants’ lungs.

    The researchers also discovered that the cold had no effect on metabolic responses. This study was followed by a second study that sought to determine whether or not exercising slowed recovery time. This second study revealed that participants didn’t feel any worse after exercising and in some cases actually felt better.
    Should I exercise then?
    This study will leave many exercisers wondering if they can continue exercising. The participants of the study were infected with head colds that produced runny nose and sneezing.

    But those suffering from fevers and symptoms that occur below the head should not exercise or exercise moderately. Like always, exercisers should pay attention to their bodies and pace their workouts.

    Effects of exercise on sickness
    Exercise has the ability to boost immunity. Research has shown that those who exercise get sick 30% less often than those who do not exercise. Those who exercise also experience feeling less sick and stay sick for a shorter period of time. However, excessive exercise can have the reverse effect, depleting energy reserves and lowering the immune system.

    How should I exercise if sick?
    Do not exercise too hard if you are sick. Consider using really light forms of exercise like walking, light aerobics and yoga exercises. The key is to avoid placing strain on your body, as this strain could slow down your healing.

    Be sure to start slowly, since you will likely have lost some strength from being sick. Also, be sure to get plenty of rest after exercising. The number 1 rule when sick is to always sleep, sleep, sleep.

    What should I do to recover quickly?
    Be sure to drink lots of water. Wash your hands frequently. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in order to give your body the nutrients it needs in order to heal more quickly. Be sure to get plenty of Vitamin C and zinc into your diet during this time. Must importantly, get plenty of rest.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Personally, I rest. I often choose sleep over exercising anyway, but I have twin 3-year-olds, and sleep is just hard to come by sometimes.

    With being sick, your body is fighting any crud and is working on getting healthy. Sleep is a good part of that. If you know you dont' want to exercise, just try to eat better (which helps with the sickies) and stay under resting cals. If you can't, try to do less intense workouts.

    Really, just listen to your body. If you feel ok enough to work out - go for it. But, if you are exhausted and tired - your body needs the rest.
  • jsheph1
    jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
    I have had a cold for a week and a half. Its pretty minor, just stuffed up, runny nose, sneezing for the most part. I tried doing some high intensity cardio and it was not worth it. I have still been walking, golfing, and lifting weights. As long as I don't breathe heavy, I am Ok. I'd say give it a try, but listen to your body.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i might take a chill pill if i'm sick.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    UGH! I feel ya! I had a HORRIBLE cold the other day.(coughing, fever, runny nose, aching body, watery eyes) Well, I still have it, but the worst is over. I walked 3 miles on the worst day. I didn't start feeling like crap until after I got back, but after the storm blew over, I was able to run 3 miles yesterday and beat my 3 mile run I had done two days before by 2 minutes!
  • heatherhart
    heatherhart Posts: 113 Member
    My personal trainer always told me its ok to still workout if its a head cold but not to workout if it is a chest cold but it all depends on how you feel. Hope you get better soon
  • first, don't worry about your weight when you are sick. worry does nothing good for our bodies. nothing. we WILL get sick from time to time. germs happen. life happens. you have to accept it. what isn't acceptable is our binging because we are sick or sad. dealing with emotions and the way our bodies feel is the way to a healthy lifestyle.

    i recently heard a doctor say if it's above the neck, exercise (in your home so you don't get everyone at the gym sick too). if it's in your chest/belly, rest.

    praying you feel better.
  • Dependin on how sick I am if I have one of my migraines I wont workout but if its just minor and I can workout thru it then I do.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    first, don't worry about your weight when you are sick. worry does nothing good for our bodies. nothing. we WILL get sick from time to time. germs happen. life happens. you have to accept it. what isn't acceptable is our binging because we are sick or sad. dealing with emotions and the way our bodies feel is the way to a healthy lifestyle.

    i recently heard a doctor say if it's above the neck, exercise (in your home so you don't get everyone at the gym sick too). if it's in your chest/belly, rest.

    praying you feel better.

    Thats very interesting I had never heard that. This does remind me of one of my MFP pals blog posts. Where he discusses his personal experience. Its a good read.

    Credit to Ray
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