To little?

Fraser91x Posts: 15 Member
Hi Guys and Gals!

So here is a little about me. I am a 22year old male who has lost about 34 lbs so far. I have gone from 283 to 249. I have done so with some exercise but mostly eating right. I have now moved onto some weight training and have been seeing some good results but I fear I am eating to little.

You see I have always had an issue with food - but normally it was to much and once I started eating less I feel I have switched to the opposite and not allowing my body enough. I really think its because im scared to gain weight and I don't want to go back to where I have come from.

My workout is as follows:
Monday Chest & Back
Tues Legs and abs
Wed Arms
Thu Rest
Friday Shoulders and Back
Sa chest and legs

really no cardio other than warm up.

So on average I am eating about a 1700 cal/day plan. Below is what I have eaten today and every day my breakfast and lunch stay the same its only my dinners that change slitly.

Breakfast 6:30AM - 2 eggs and 1 tbsp of homemade salsa
Post Workout 8:20AM - 1 scoop Muscle Pharm whey protein
Snack 10:30AM - greek yogurt with blueberrys
Luch 12:00PM - 1 cup quinoa, 1 chicken brest 3 oz, and 1 tbsp of franks red hot sauce
Snack 3:00PM - 1 Oh Yeah energy bar
Dinner 6:30PM - Eye of Round steak 3 oz with asparagus and a salad.

This put me at about 1694 calories. Also within that day I drank 10 glasses of water or 2.4L

For my workout it was leg day so my workout consisted Leg Press, Calf raise, squat, leg extensions, hamstring curls, and lunges.

So mainly- am I eating too little as I haven't seen the scale move in 3 weeks, am I eating to much, and am I not having enough cardio?


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Well, first thing to check is logging accuracy before you make any changes. Do log everything every day? Every bite, lick or nibble? Do you weigh your solid foods and measure liquids, if possible?

    Weigh loss will come down to calories in vs out. I'd stick to a routine you enjoy and are willing to do long term. I, personally, am not a huge cardio fan. I walk occasionally but other than that, lifting is my only intentional exercise :P

    If you haven't already read this, I highly recommend. It and the links within are super helpful
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I found when my weight didnt budge I changeed

    Use this to calculate how much you should eat daily. This is nice because it makes it consistant each day...doesnt matter if you worked out. If you exercise and get more calories do not eat those calories back like you do with mfp tracker. This helped me.
  • Surly71
    Surly71 Posts: 8 Member
    You can find millions of answers mate, but for me it was finding consistency and an approach which made sense to me and fitted in with my lifestyle:
    Here's my bible

    You want muscle, but don't want to go over your food goal!
    You want rid of the fat but don't fancy Cardio!

    For me I'd try the link above and read a lot of what Martin has to say.

    I'm first trying to lose the weight, and I also bias my diet with more protein as I cycle to work everyday and I make sure I'm drinking water mixed with BCAA's to keep the protein floating about the system.
    Its all working for me but everyone is different...oh and the scales aren't everything, keep measuring that waste line and other parts of the body. I haven't lost that much weight but my waste has gone down from 106cm to 98 cm. Best of luck and good going so far.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    SugaryLynx summarizes it pretty well.
    For me I really have seen a noticeable difference both on the scale and in the mirror, when I went from heavy lifting to HIIT, which has even helped my cardio.