MyFitnessPal and Pacer confusion

Hi all,

Currently trying to lose between 0.5-1lb per week. I have MFP on to lose 1lb per week at a "active" activity level.
I am using Pacer as well to monitor my steps per day but I'm confused as Pacer sync tells me I burn more calories than I consume eg MFP - 2330 (with pacer synced - 2600) so should I eat back them 270 calories or disregard them?



  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    that 270 calories is your deficit if im not mistaken. im not too familiar with devices like a Pacer but from what i understand it gives you your TDEE so you want your calorie intake to be below it. if your goal is 0.5-1lbs loss/week then youre right on track
  • jordhenshaw
    jordhenshaw Posts: 9 Member

    So if my deficit is already 2330 am I burning off an extra 270 calories? And would I still lose the weight if I ate the calories back even though I'm already at a deficit at 2330? Pacer has me confused
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    the 2330 isnt your deficit, thats the amount the you consume. your deficit is the difference between what you consume and your TDEE (tdee is what your pacer is giving you, 2600). so your deficit is the 270 calories mentioned earlier, if you ate that back you would be at maintenance and wouldnt lose any weight. 0.5 lbs/week weight loss is a daily deficit of 250 calories, so assuming your logging accurately and your pacer is accurate then you are right on track with your goals
  • jordhenshaw
    jordhenshaw Posts: 9 Member
    I see, just that my maintanence calories is at 2850, thanks for the help
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    if 2850 is the number you get for maintenance your problem probably lies in the "active" setting that you gave. most people over-estimate their activity level, so you probably got an over-estimate of your maintenance intake. the Pacer will give you a more accurate number for your maintenance calories since it does the calculation based upon the number of steps, elevated heartrate ect. (at least i think this is how they work)