Does Intermittent Fasting work?

Hi I'm new to MFP and a teen bodybuilder (been into fitness for 2 years now). I'm 5"11 162lbs w/ 11%. I've lost 6lbs so far. Does Intermittent Fasting actually work to reduce body fat? I started today and felt totally fine with it. Also how much more weight should I lose to get to 8%??

Thanks :smile:


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    It is yet another way of creating a calorie deficit. I like it and it is useful to me now, but when I first tried, it was a disaster because I used it as an excuse to go buy every crappy form of junk food under the sun and pig out on feast days.

    You can try it and see how it goes and if you feel good on it and if it's easier than the usual means of creating a calorie deficit, but don't use it as an excuse to eat junk and do continue to count calories.

    Also, even though you are an adult, you are a very young adult and might have some growing left to do, I know people say ask your doctor before beginning any plan, but in this case, really, I think you should ask a doctor first.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Some people like i but there really is no solid evidence to back up the claims it makes. It does allow you to create a weekly deficit without cutting calories too much on your non fast days though. So if you like the idea and it helps you stick to your goals there really isn't any harm in it.
  • starsybyll
    starsybyll Posts: 32
    I think so but Im probably alone here. I like fasting. There's a huge sticky at the top of this board that explains all the reasons why its bad for you so I would advice reading that. The main issue being that people will fast for a couple days-week, lose 5-10lbs and then binge eat 5000 calories and gain it all back in a day. Not only is that frustrating, it's super bad for your body. In my personal opinion, fasting is okay depending on what you're doing and why. If a fast is part of your current diet and exercise routine, it's fine. I find it to be very cleansing for my body. Im fasting today as well.

    I'm trying to get into ketosis by eating very low carbs and fasting every other day. I know some people who have lost 40+lbs very easily on this diet and kept it off by maintaining a healthy diet and by properly coming out of the fast. Too many people think fasting will make them lose a bunch without maintaining a healthy diet and absolutely kill themselves emotionally/physically to fast, then break it with huge amounts of carb and sodium binging.

    Things I would say about fasting
    - It is not a instant fix. Anything you lose will come right back immediately if you don't break it properly.
    - It's not healthy to do frequently.
    - It's useful to get into ketosis as it helps stimulate burning of carbs into burning of fat.
    - Do not fast if you're in pain! If you're starving, eat! Only fast for as long as you feel comfortable.
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP and a teen bodybuilder (been into fitness for 2 years now). I'm 5"11 162lbs w/ 11%. I've lost 6lbs so far. Does Intermittent Fasting actually work to reduce body fat? I started today and felt totally fine with it. Also how much more weight should I lose to get to 8%??

    Thanks :smile:

    IF is not for weightloss. ITs really more of a cleansing regime to restart your metabolism and give your system a bit of a boost.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Yes it works. It works for cutting, bulking, or maintenance. It is not a magic diet or solution. It is simply a eating protocol. You can use whatever diet you choose with IF. Low carb, low fat, paleo, or whatever. The ONLY thing that matters is that are you eating the calories to reach your goals. If you want to lose weight you need to create a caloric deficit. You can do this with IF or without it. It will work for you goals, but it won't be your goals. It is just a tool to help. You can't do IF and eat in a surplus and expect to lose weight because you are doing IF. What kind of IF are you doing? Hope this is understandable.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP and a teen bodybuilder (been into fitness for 2 years now). I'm 5"11 162lbs w/ 11%. I've lost 6lbs so far. Does Intermittent Fasting actually work to reduce body fat? I started today and felt totally fine with it. Also how much more weight should I lose to get to 8%??

    Thanks :smile:

    IF is not for weightloss. ITs really more of a cleansing regime to restart your metabolism and give your system a bit of a boost.

    I'm not sure what this person is talking about. IF is for weight loss, weight gain, or maintenance. It is just the window that you will eat in or not eat in for the day or week (depending on your IF protocol). Your calories overall will determine what you use IF for.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    this is IF plus weight training...
    disclaimer: I didn't lose much scale weight but my six packs are definitely more showing and my stomach stays flat for the most time of the month. LOL I am woman, so go figure...
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    The main issue being that people will fast for a couple days-week, lose 5-10lbs and then binge eat 5000 calories and gain it all back in a day.

    Whether IF works or not, implying you could regain 5-10lbs in a day (and on 5000 calories no less!) is ridiculous misinformation of Oz-like proportions.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    The main issue being that people will fast for a couple days-week, lose 5-10lbs and then binge eat 5000 calories and gain it all back in a day.

    Whether IF works or not, implying you could regain 5-10lbs in a day (and on 5000 calories no less!) is ridiculous misinformation of Oz-like proportions.

    I get what you are saying. 10 pounds would be crazy. I have gained 3-4 pounds after a day of epic eating. Now I'm smart enough to know that is mostly water weight and when I get on the scale again after 3 or 4 days of hitting my calorie goals and training it is all gone.
  • DavidDBZS
    DavidDBZS Posts: 33
    I'm doing 16 hour fast,8 hour eating window. My caloric deficit is around 300 because I don't want it to be too low and not have any energy for the gym. I'm only planning to do this for 4 weeks. Thanks for all the advice guys :smile:
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I do 16:8 and starting losing weight again.
    I only take measurements the first of the month.
    I found that after a few days that I wasn't hungry all the time so that helped.
    I have actually had to try and add in higher calorie foods to meet my goals because I was used to try and eat every two hours.
    It works great with my schedule too.