Just saying Hi. Accepting help/Offering Help


I started my weight loss actually on March 8th, but didn't find this site until more recently. I had just turned 37 and had just had a Kidney Stone attack. I took a look at myself and said enough is enough. I was 265 pounds, 5'10. I knew that just dieting would not work for me as I would just revert back to my old habits.

I was able to switch my mindset to more of a food as fuel rather than how I was looking at it as a satisfaction tool. I live a pretty sedentary life at work where I sit at a computer for most of the day. This did not need the amount of "fuel" as if I was working and moving all day. I also began walking a lot. I walk 10minutes to/from my car to work each morning. I take my two 15 minute breaks and my 30 minute lunch to go for walks as well so I get roughly 60 minutes of brisk walking in a day, some days less if I get too busy at work.

Since March 8th, I am now down 46 pounds, and my goal weight of 185 is more than half way achieved. I know that my "food" intake in terms of calories is lower than the recommended amount, however I will be increasing my intake more once I've got less fat stores to fill in the gaps of my deficiencies in calories. I find the fitnesspal tracker to be quite nice, it's a great resource. If anyone wants any help or wishes to offer me some advice, I'd be more than willing to offer/listen. Thanks and good luck to all of you


  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. I was looking at your food diary and it's very sparse. Of course you lost weight eating less than 1200 calories a day. I saw a lot of 800 calorie days. I've been losing slowly but surely eating 1720 calories a day. Easier to stick with in the long run.
  • SonicKrunch
    SonicKrunch Posts: 192 Member
    I've never felt extreme hunger. Sure in the first few days in the beginning of my weight loss, I got hungrier, but not a normal day. I get hungry just before lunch, lunch fills me up nicely. I have a glass of almond milk in the afternoon before heading home. When I'm home I am hungry for dinner but the rest of the day I feel very energized actually. I also am awake from 6am-1am most days but I do not snack late normally. I know each person is different so I do not say everyone should follow my plan.

    Seriously, sitting in front of a computer all day does not require much fuel when you are in a weight loss routine. Once I have no fat stores to burn through, I anticipate I will require ~14-1700 calories to maintain my weight and be healthy, but right now my fat stores are making up the difference. Also some of the 800 calorie days are more due to either exercise dropping my "net" or from me not feeling hungry enough to have a larger meal.
  • ioannaheartsyou97
    ioannaheartsyou97 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in a similar situation - I want to lose a bit of weight (about 7kg) and have recently started running as well as sort of watching what I eat. I still pretty much eat whatever I want, including three meals (brunch, lunch, and dinner - I just can't eat a proper breakfast, it's always been to early for me) and a few snacks. It's a lot less than I ate before, but that's mostly because before I'd use food as an excuse to take a break from work when I was home. However, even though I'm not hungry, unless I'm seriously counting something wrong, my calorie intake tends to be too low, so that I end up trying to eat something every night to make up for it, which isn't healthy either. I don't have that many fat stores to speak of (174 cm or 5'9, 67kg or 148lbs) and a bit of a history with anorexia (many many many years ago), so I don't really want to risk eating too little, but I also feel like I'm not making progress...
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I just want to point out that hunger can be a really bad indicator that you're getting enough to eat. The hormones that control our hunger cues can be knocked out of whack by too many things (including things like exercise and prolonged undereating). And hunger won't always tell you if you're missing important vitamins or nutrients in your diet. It's important to pay attention to the big picture, including things like mood, energy levels, gym performance, healthy skin & nails, etc. and to pay attention to your macros and micros to be sure you're getting everything your body needs.

    Of course a day here and there way below your calories won't hurt you. But when it becomes a habit you might want to start including more calorie dense foods into your day. Things like nuts, nut butter, full fat dairy, ice cream, Greek yogurt, avocado, cheese, protein shakes & smoothies, etc. can add a lot of calories without making you eat a lot more food.
  • woolfman72
    woolfman72 Posts: 25 Member
    You can add me if you like . Our starting point, current weight loss and goals are very similar. About the same height also. and have a desk job. I walk at lunch for about 45 mins and about an hour in the evenings . . I generally never eat back any of my exercise calories. (i use a fitbit and all of my exercise is logged by it and i do not trust what it and MFP say i have burned). I would have to agree with Amber though on the intake amounts. Even me eating 1500 calories (which is what i shoot for and most days get close but sometimes i just have to snack my way to it) I have lost just shy of 47lbs since Feb 1st. But congrats on your weight loss .
  • SonicKrunch
    SonicKrunch Posts: 192 Member
    I would agree that eating something just to make up a calorie deficit isn't the right way to go. I'd make sure the foods you are eating are providing the proper nutrients throughout the day then just have some extra self control regarding that last evening food intake. I would however state that your weight currently is probably quite healthy for your height. I don't know what your body type is but fighting anorexia can't be easy and I commend you for doing your very best. It seems you are using myfitnesspal more to ensure you are eating enough, and that's not a bad thing at all.

    In terms of hunger vs calorie intake and low calorie intakes. IMO, and I am no doctor for sure, if I ensure my meals are attempting to be as complete as they can be in terms of nutrient balance, then I don't see a problem today with an under 1000 calorie intake if all I did during that day was get up, sit down, get up, then sit right back down again. Most calculators for intake were designed around a more active lifestyle. Most days I am between 1000-1200. I don't always include everything I eat in my days, but I try my best to include it all so their may be a day or two where it looks like I'm not eating enough, when it's more to do with what I entered into the system. I do aim to lose 12/month, though I'm getting closer to my goal and I know a more modest 5-7/month is coming soon. Thank you all for your inputs.