We are going to a buffett!!! Oh-No!

JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
The bad news... my 5th anniversary is Friday and the better half and I are going to celebrate tonight. Which means the two of us are going out with two friends to the Chumash Seafood Buffet.

The good news... I am not much of a seafood person. I pretty much only like Fish & Chips... Shrimp in various flavors like fried or grilled. This buffet will allow you two lobster tails but I don't eat lobster... never have. The buffet does have Prime Rib, now we are talking!

So I have no idea how I will track my calories today. I am going to eat a light lunch because I do look forward to having dinner but I also know I need to keep an eye on my calorie count. I don't think I'll break out my iPhone and do the count during dinner so I will rely on remembering what I ate and just go from there...

I am new to this and so far calorie counting with my normal (almost) daily walk with the dog is making a big difference. I see the calorie count almost as if it is a game and I am winning :) I guess I am just going to have to let myself cheat or whatever you call it once in a while and look at the overall picture, not what I just did or what I am about to do.

Any tips on how to track the calories without disrupting the dinner? We are all casual and close friends... I doubt they would care if I did do so...


  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Not much conversation at the table with your iphone out throughout dinner (lmao - I know this cause I've done this).

    The hard part is we don't know the choices available. There will be a salad bar so pick the veggies and not the toppings that taste good. Limit the number of pieces of bread you get. Of course avoid the fried choices but also, if it's yummy and yellow and glistening know there's butter on that choice.

    Really, I think you should count this as a cheat day and enjoy your lovely lady and friends and regroup tomorrow.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    maybe you should figure out what foods are there and start calculating before you go. Do they have a salad bar there?
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Have you been to this buffet before (sounds like it, or at least you are familiar with their menu). Spend a little time today BEFORE you get to the restaurant looking up the various dishes that might appeal to you there. This way you will know the portion size, and associated calories. The main idea is to enjoy yourself, and make educated decisions about what you eat.

    I'm all for having that chocolate mousse, but I detest the feeling I have when I go to add it to my diary AFTER I have eaten it and discover that it is 47 bazillion calories. Had I known beforehand, I might have been satisfied with a taste and that wonderful feeling of success when an old behavior is changed. Know what I mean?
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    This is what I was planning to do on my anniversary (but I didn't because I forgot), only go up one time and take a picture of your plate before you start eating and log the calories later.
  • KAK68
    KAK68 Posts: 51 Member
    I went to my first buffet (Golden Corral) this past Sunday. Needless to say- my first day of not keeping track of my calories. We had buffet around 11:30 then we had eggs, toast, hash browns that night for dinner. I was proud of myself. I started with salad- lots of veggies and no cheese and light dressing. Also had lots of fruit, cottage cheese. My second plate was very small piece of steak, brown seasoned rice,sweet potatoes with apples, 1 roll with honey butter, green beans and had to have a small brownie.
    I will say I was very very full- most I have eaten in one meal in a long time. I avoided the mash potatoes and macaroni and cheese- my two favorites at buffets.
    Wish you the best in choosing the right foods and enjoying your dinner.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Go to the local New-Age shop and buy a pendulum. Wave the pendulum over all the foods at the buffett, and put only the foods on your plate that the spirit moving the pendulum approves of.

    When you get home, throw some D&D dice add up all the #'s. Use your pendulum to find one number the spirit in the pendulum likes. Multipy the total by that number, add your weight, and Viola! That's how many calories you consumed.

    I've lost 12 lbs using this method.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Go to the local New-Age shop and buy a pendulum. Wave the pendulum over all the foods at the buffett, and put only the foods on your plate that the spirit moving the pendulum approves of.

    When you get home, throw some D&D dice add up all the #'s. Use your pendulum to find one number the spirit in the pendulum likes. Multipy the total by that number, add your weight, and Viola! That's how many calories you consumed.

    I've lost 12 lbs using this method.

    I just hurt my whole core section reading this
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Go to the local New-Age shop and buy a pendulum. Wave the pendulum over all the foods at the buffett, and put only the foods on your plate that the spirit moving the pendulum approves of.

    When you get home, throw some D&D dice add up all the #'s. Use your pendulum to find one number the spirit in the pendulum likes. Multipy the total by that number, add your weight, and Viola! That's how many calories you consumed.

    I've lost 12 lbs using this method.

    This is a joke right? I was literally lol'ing but then when no punch line came, I was concerned that this was a real suggestion.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Go to the local New-Age shop and buy a pendulum. Wave the pendulum over all the foods at the buffett, and put only the foods on your plate that the spirit moving the pendulum approves of.

    When you get home, throw some D&D dice add up all the #'s. Use your pendulum to find one number the spirit in the pendulum likes. Multipy the total by that number, add your weight, and Viola! That's how many calories you consumed.

    I've lost 12 lbs using this method.

    This is a joke right? I was literally lol'ing but then when no punch line came, I was concerned that this was a real suggestion.

    subtle humor is the BEST humor
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Go to the local New-Age shop and buy a pendulum. Wave the pendulum over all the foods at the buffett, and put only the foods on your plate that the spirit moving the pendulum approves of.

    When you get home, throw some D&D dice add up all the #'s. Use your pendulum to find one number the spirit in the pendulum likes. Multipy the total by that number, add your weight, and Viola! That's how many calories you consumed.

    I've lost 12 lbs using this method.

    I just hurt my whole core section reading this

    Yeah? Well, I just blew my coffee into my keyboard reading this!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Go to the local New-Age shop and buy a pendulum. Wave the pendulum over all the foods at the buffett, and put only the foods on your plate that the spirit moving the pendulum approves of.

    When you get home, throw some D&D dice add up all the #'s. Use your pendulum to find one number the spirit in the pendulum likes. Multipy the total by that number, add your weight, and Viola! That's how many calories you consumed.

    I've lost 12 lbs using this method.

    This is a joke right? I was literally lol'ing but then when no punch line came, I was concerned that this was a real suggestion.

    The way to tell it is a joke is that she didn't specify how many D&D dice to throw, and how many sides each of those dice had.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Well by you not wanting to track, it would indicate that you don't really want to know. So you may want to count this as a cheat day, like another person suggested.

    You can log beforehand... You can just stick with what you've logged, or even at least know that what you will eat beyond that which you have logged will be adding to your calorie count.

    You can also make the 'light' choices. Salads or greens and 4-6 ounces of salmon sounds like a safe choice... Stay away from fried, sautéd fish as the calories will climb way faster!!! It all depends what your goal is for tonight. If you want to have a cheat day, then go ahead and have it. But whatever your goal is, even if it is staying on track, STICK with it! You'll feel better about your choice!!

    Good luck!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    usually buffet places still have a menu... order something from that and stick to it so that you don't have the options of fighting willpower vs. buffet...
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Oh boy...I learned the hard way at my running club's pasta dinner (which was serve yourself, all you can eat, etc.) that my stomach and my body simply won't take as much as it used to. You may find that you don't consume as much as you're anticipating due to being full faster. Definitely use the 20 minute rule. Let the food from plate 1 sit in your stomach for 20 minutes before you even think about getting up again. :) What I could have avoided on Friday by doing that.

    Oh, and happy anniversary! :)
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    bump for the tread with the best evah MFP answer in the history of the MFPs
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Ok so I've got out my 20 sider from the fire set........... :devil:
  • mmannequinn
    mmannequinn Posts: 55 Member
    Go to the local New-Age shop and buy a pendulum. Wave the pendulum over all the foods at the buffett, and put only the foods on your plate that the spirit moving the pendulum approves of.

    When you get home, throw some D&D dice add up all the #'s. Use your pendulum to find one number the spirit in the pendulum likes. Multipy the total by that number, add your weight, and Viola! That's how many calories you consumed.

    I've lost 12 lbs using this method.

  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Go to the local New-Age shop and buy a pendulum. Wave the pendulum over all the foods at the buffett, and put only the foods on your plate that the spirit moving the pendulum approves of.

    When you get home, throw some D&D dice add up all the #'s. Use your pendulum to find one number the spirit in the pendulum likes. Multipy the total by that number, add your weight, and Viola! That's how many calories you consumed.

    I've lost 12 lbs using this method.

    is it bad that I am contemplating digging out my pendulum to try this? LOL... how about tarot, can they help??? :laugh:
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    The hubby and I just did a buffet recently for some reason I can't remember, and I just reminded myself that I DON'T have to get my "money's worth."

    Or maybe, that my "money's worth" is a lot less than I used to think. Either way, it helped to keep myself from over-eating just because I could.

    Good luck!