Eating 1700-1800 for maintanence and gaining? :(



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I must be missing something...just re-set my goals and MFP is still only giving me 1410 calories. Is it age/height/weight possibly?

    a combination of all of them...including activity level.

    but 1410 is without exercise...if you exercise and don't eat the calories back you will lose weight.

    This is why a lot of us use guessing on burns.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    That's a lot of calories. I weigh over 200 right now, and if I were maintaining, I would need to eat less than your calorie limit. A friend of mine is a personal trainer and went from 180 to 136. Her maintenance calories are about 1300 and she works out several hours per day. Sadly, once we've been big, we will usually need fewer calories to maintain a lower weight than someone who has been at that lower weight and never been big.
    Sorry but the first part is a pure guess, the second part is plainly impossible and the last part Is a bit of a sweeping generalisation (it can happen but you can also do something about it).

    OP - 2lbs is nothing, two large glasses of water! Set yourself a range and not a single number as you will go mad reacting to normal weight fluctuations. It takes a while to settle into maintenance and fine tune your calories.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    1,700-1,800 is not a lot for maintaining...actually it's nothing for maintaining. I'm cutting right now eating 1,500 calories loosing +1lb per week, thinking about going up to 1,750. My maintenance is 2,000-2,100. I'm female, 25 years old, 5'6" and 150 lbs.

    I ran what information I have of you: 21 years old, female, 131 lbs (guessing the extra two is water weight), I entered an average height of 5'6" which I know may not be correct, exercise two days a week and I get the following numbers for maintenance....listing multiple options because I don't know exactly how physical your job is considered.

    1.) Exercise 2 days a week and job considered NOT physical = 1,651

    2.) Exercise 2 days a week and job considered LIGHTLY physical {OR} Exercise 3 days a week and job considered NOT physical = 1,926

    3.) Exercise 2 days a week and job considered MODERATELY physical {OR} Exercise 4 days a week and job considered NOT physical = 2,064

    4.) Exercise 2 days a week and job considered VERY physical {OR} Exercise 5 days a week and job considered NOT physical = 2,202

    Honestly, I think you're job would be considered lightly physical. Definitely more physical than my job sitting in front of a computer screen all day but not as physical as a mover, stockboy, farmer, etc. So you're probably looking at #2 with maintenance calories around 1,926. I'm betting the first two pounds was just water weight. When I bumped from 1,200-1,500 (still in a deficit) I gained 4 lbs of water weight that didn't go back to normal for a week so by midweek it still looked like an extra 2 lbs.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Not much new to add, but just additional encouragement:
    You're likely just replenishing glycogen. (If you want to maintain at a lower weight, maybe lose 3-5 more pounds, then transition to maintenance again, at which point you'll restore glycogen again and level out where you want to be.) I'm in maintenance, and I've had a few days where I've fluctuated up to 3 pounds within 2 days. So it could just be normal too and you'll bounce up and down a bit where you are. 1700-1800 calories shouldn't be too much based on your lifestyle. I wouldn't cut back from that unless you do end up seeing a continued upward trend in your weight for a month or so.
  • thyella
    thyella Posts: 21 Member
    I love biology so here is what happens, your body goes "hey we are losing our fat stores, what happens if there is a famine, we need our fat stores" When women get pregnant they put on 7 pounds for the same reason, of course it would be more appropriate for mid-evil times since I doubt KFC is closing, but our body does what it does. I'm not sure if riding it out until you body accepts your new "set point" your current weight, changing what you are eating or pushing it further to lose more by dropping more calories is the correct answer for you. Less calories may make you more hungry. Reading the other comments joining an exercise group or gym and increase your calories requirement may be best of all. I do know at your age if you get into good physical condition it will benefit you forever. Muscle burns calories and getting calcium into your bones before 30 is much easier and done through impact activities. Addendum: muscle is heavier than fat which freaks some women out, measure yourself. A tones 130 will look way better than untoned 125.

    Best of Luck
  • OdiEtAmoTe
    OdiEtAmoTe Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, I would starve on that amount. I am 140 pounds, male, and 5'10, and I eat 3000-4000 depending on activity level. This site seems low for my calorie needs, so I use this one and it seems to be dead on :
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    That's a lot of calories. I weigh over 200 right now, and if I were maintaining, I would need to eat less than your calorie limit. A friend of mine is a personal trainer and went from 180 to 136. Her maintenance calories are about 1300 and she works out several hours per day. Sadly, once we've been big, we will usually need fewer calories to maintain a lower weight than someone who has been at that lower weight and never been big.

    Wut? I lose on that amount. In fact I lost gakf a pound last week while average just over 2000 calories a day (and that's with workout calories factored in. I actually ate between 2200-2300 a day)

    Even on days I literally do nothing I get 1550 to maintain on.

    1700 for a woman who works out is not a lot
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm losing on 1800 calories per day. I can't imagine how people survive on 1200, or even 1400. I'd probably kill someone.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I could eat 2K/day without doing anything. You need to give yourself some time to adjust to the calorie increase.

    OP, you need a maintenance range not a number. My range is 125-129. If I hit 130, I think I might be overdoing the food.

    There are days where my husband fasts and the next day his weight is higher. Weight changes don't always have to make sense which is why you need a range that you feel comfortable in without getting upset about it.
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    When you have been in deficit mode, as soon as you get off it your liver will stack it's "fight'n) weight back on. Usually 2-4 lbs. With my husband at 6'2" and 200 lbs it is 5 lbs. Either adjust your target weight to include that or loose a couple more lbs. to adjust for it.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    I weigh 130 and walk every day and straight train and I can not eat that many calories
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    its just your body adjusting, youll start maintaining soon :)
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    All these replies from people telling the OP that either she's eating too many calories or not enough are HILARIOUS. Did anyone bother asking the OP her height?? That will play a big role...At 5 feet tall and 110 pounds, my maintenance calories are 1420.... that's not a lot, so I also workout daily.

    OP, as others have said, a 2 pound gain isn't a big deal. If it keeps happening, then either eat less or increase your exercise. It could just be your body leveling out.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    All these replies from people telling the OP that either she's eating too many calories or not enough are HILARIOUS. Did anyone bother asking the OP her height?? That will play a big role...At 5 feet tall and 110 pounds, my maintenance calories are 1420.... that's not a lot, so I also workout daily.

    OP, as others have said, a 2 pound gain isn't a big deal. If it keeps happening, then either eat less or increase your exercise. It could just be your body leveling out.

    I'm not sure anyone told her she's not eating enough. I think you've confused '1700 is not a lot of food' with 'you need to eat more'.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    1700-1800 seems like a lot of calories unless you are excercising every day.
    On those days that I do not exercise I am only allowed 1350.
    This is only after I got to maintenance mode when I hit my desired weight. Before that it was 1200.
    Now, on the days I exercise, I still am only allowed 1500-1700 depending on what exercises I am doing that day.
    It might be a good idea to look/set your goals on MFP if you haven't already.

    Best to you on the journey.

    1700-1800 is most certainly not a lot for someone in maintenance. That is what a female of 130Ibs or so is set to maintain on, when set to sedentary, as an example. It does not take much activity to bring a person's base calorie allowance, without exercise, up to around 1800-1900.

    To the OP, a little gain happens to most once they go into maintenance from weight loss mode. There is even a post here somewhere about it. It is just glycogen and water, most likely and really, weight will fluctuate around a bit anyway, so it is best to have a range you consider to be maintenance, not a set number.

    Ditto. I'm doing 1700 now and have maintained for over half a year. OP, your weight will fluctuate a little but a couple pounds here and there is nothing to be concerned about. I have a range of about 2 pounds that my weight stays within, and I wouldn't be concerned unless I went up 4 pounds and stayed there. You did say you're 21, and around that age my metabolism slowed down from its adolescent rate so your body could still be changing.

    maintenance numbers are based on height and weight. and age. when i get to goal I'll be allowed about 1500 calories to maintain lightly active.
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    I think you're doing okay, honey. It's scary to see the scale go up a bit after you've worked so hard to lose. But it's pretty normal for women to fluctuate a pound or three according to what time of the month it is. I weigh myself pretty often but I like to only "count" the one right after my AF ends. Pre-ovulation week is pretty consistently my lowest weight for the month. That's pretty personal information, I know. But there it is. ;)

    Also I gain a little whenever I eat popcorn (because hooray for salt! salty salt salt yum). :)

    You're doing ok. Amazing job with your loss! Try not to worry so much. It'll be ok.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    I must be missing something...just re-set my goals and MFP is still only giving me 1410 calories. Is it age/height/weight possibly?

    Age definitely plays a very large factor, and I mean that in the most respectful way possible. It looks like you're more than twice the OP's age so that would definitely lead to a discrepancy in the values MFP spits out.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    All these replies from people telling the OP that either she's eating too many calories or not enough are HILARIOUS. Did anyone bother asking the OP her height?? That will play a big role...At 5 feet tall and 110 pounds, my maintenance calories are 1420.... that's not a lot, so I also workout daily.

    OP, as others have said, a 2 pound gain isn't a big deal. If it keeps happening, then either eat less or increase your exercise. It could just be your body leveling out.

    I'm not sure anyone told her she's not eating enough. I think you've confused '1700 is not a lot of food' with 'you need to eat more'.

    I think it's implied. But that really wasn't my point... which you obviously missed. Not my problem.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    All these replies from people telling the OP that either she's eating too many calories or not enough are HILARIOUS. Did anyone bother asking the OP her height?? That will play a big role...At 5 feet tall and 110 pounds, my maintenance calories are 1420.... that's not a lot, so I also workout daily.

    OP, as others have said, a 2 pound gain isn't a big deal. If it keeps happening, then either eat less or increase your exercise. It could just be your body leveling out.

    I'm not sure anyone told her she's not eating enough. I think you've confused '1700 is not a lot of food' with 'you need to eat more'.

    I think it's implied. But that really wasn't my point... which you obviously missed. Not my problem.

    Oddly enough I'm also of the opinion that you've missed a point or two.

    Fancy that. :ohwell: