I hate my birthday:(

Liani Posts: 63 Member
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
yesterday was my B-day:smile: it was good....the worse part was that i pigged out ...my family took me to a chinesses food buffet.. i tried to stay away from fried foods...the ice cream killed it i was eatin that a lot with fruits on top...now am scared to go to the mall n weight myself like usall every week to see i am on track.:frown: :sad:

last time i pigged out was 2 weeks ago n i went to weight myself n my results were good i lost 3 pounds....i think it was the cabbage soup diet:huh: i only pigged out 4 2 todays bcuz of the fair...


  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
    yesterday was my B-day:smile: it was good....the worse part was that i pigged out ...my family took me to a chinesses food buffet.. i tried to stay away from fried foods...the ice cream killed it i was eatin that a lot with fruits on top...now am scared to go to the mall n weight myself like usall every week to see i am on track.:frown: :sad:

    last time i pigged out was 2 weeks ago n i went to weight myself n my results were good i lost 3 pounds....i think it was the cabbage soup diet:huh: i only pigged out 4 2 todays bcuz of the fair...
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Don't worry about it. We ALL have special times like birthdays, or times when we just REALLY feel like splurging! The great thing about this site is that we CAN do that once in a while, and then get right back on track!
    In fact, I'm splurging today, since it's Mother's Day! I've been wanting Chinese food for weeks, so, I'm having some for supper! I've exercised tons, but will still be alittle over on my fat and protein levels. I'm not going to worry about it though, cuz tomorrow is another day, and I'll get right back on track!
    I'm sure YOU will too!
    Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    It was your birthday! Give yourself a break. Just get right back on track and dont worry about it! I have a cheat meal every week (it keeps me sane) and I feel guilty afterwards but I just hit the gym really hard the next day and eat really clean for the next six. Key thing is, make sure its not like an every day thing because it will slow your weight loss down..but yeah hope you enjoed your birthday! :smile:
  • pmd14
    pmd14 Posts: 232 Member
    Us taurus people are too tough on ourselves!!!!!!
    I should know my birthday is wednesday the 14th.
    Just relax take a deep breath and move on. It's alright forget yesterday . Dont' look at the scale just continue to eat well and exercise and then weigh yourself next week.
    Make today your best day!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!!
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (late) But it was just one day and today is a new day!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Happy birthday!!:flowerforyou: Don't worry it was just one day!
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    If you don't let yourself have a day now and then to "celebrate" life, you'll never be able to make this a lifestyle change instead of a "diet". Hey, Happy Birthday, now just hit the road again and you'll be fine. You have to give yourself permission occasionally to just not worry about it.
  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
    thank u!!!!!!!!!1:flowerforyou:
  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
    thank u:flowerforyou:
  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanx thats true lol
  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
    thank u:flowerforyou:
  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
  • Liani
    Liani Posts: 63 Member
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