Moving to Germany do not know what to expect for food!



  • Luvbeers
    Luvbeers Posts: 11
    I wouldn't say they're rude, it's just that Americans are so exceptionally friendly that we tend to misinterpret their behaviour as "rude."

    I generally think Europeans are a little less nosy than Americans so we tend to believe they are rude when they are just minding their own business.
  • sarasos12
    sarasos12 Posts: 2 Member
    I lived in Sttutgart Germany for 2 years. The food is great. There are lots of street markets with fresh fruit and veg. It's not so much the junk food culture, unless you like kebab!. The food is all fresh and cooked from scratch. Just watch your portions and you will be fine. I was also much more active and outside all the time. I think the whole thing about being rude is that Germans, especially older ones, are afraid to try and speak English so they will just avoid you. Also pronunciation of German can be difficult at first which will make it difficult for them to understand you. I took a German 5 week intensive language course and learned the rest by practicing and using the language. I made life long friends there and I'm sure you will have a great time.
  • Bridge1987
    Bridge1987 Posts: 3 Member
    We're stationed at Ramstein, one year down, three to go! I find it's so much easier to lose weight here than in America, we dont' eat out much because the only real fast food places are burger king, mcdonalds, and the BX restaurants. German restaurants take hours to dine at and we have two young kids so that's not really an option! We just returned from a long vacation home to Nebraska and I had to work out every day to keep all of my hard earned pounds off, and that was just to maintain!

    Here, I cook most meals, the commissary is pretty standard, we mainly shop there, but shopping on the economy is also an option, though expect to pay at least 25% more for a similar product. Regardless, it's fun to try new foods! German food seems fairly unhealthy, the schnitzels and brats, and beer of course, but we only eat it for special occasions. Festival food is my favorite, there are these amazing liege waffles they sell in France, drizzled with Nutella... I'm sure I don't want to know how many calories are in those, but hey, a treat every once in awhile can be a good thing!

    Welcome to Germany, if you have any questions, feel free to email!