
annaruiz Posts: 29 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
so how is everyone going to handle thanksgiving? i admit ive never been as motivated to lose weight till this year, so thinking about a strategy when it came to thanksgiving was something i never had to come up with. How are yall going to tackle the day? counting calories? portion control? or not worry about it at all since it is thanksgiving? im thinking i might just do portion control instead of counting calories, and go walking after i have had my last round ;-)


  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    what's thanksgiving?

  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I am going to definitely remember to eat throughout the day like I always do. If I skip meals, I tend to harf everything down at dinner time. Potion control is my number 1 though. I am also avoiding mashed potatoes and sticking with just the sweet potatoes. Dessert, only a tiny sliver. My workout will be the morning before I cook.
  • Me and some friends are doing a "Turkey Trot 5k at 7:30am and then portion control.:smile::smile:
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't know. It's gonna be hard. I am thinking about eating small that week. Like eating way under my calorie goal. Then pigging out on Thanksgiving. This is probably a bad idea though
  • annaruiz
    annaruiz Posts: 29 Member
    Me and some friends are doing a "Turkey Trot 5k at 7:30am and then portion control.:smile::smile:

    lol i wish i had friends that were willing!!!
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    what's thanksgiving?


    Thanksgiving in a US holiday that we celebrate by eating a lot of food. Primarily turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing etc. Every household and ethnic background has some differences.

    Thanksgiving to us is to honor when the settlers first came to America and a successful harvest (w/ help of the native americans). so every year we "give thanks". That's about it in a nutshell.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Watching my cals the whole week, like usual. Doing a few extra long workouts, and then eating what I want on Thanksgiving. Food like that does not come around very often. It's not a day to stress out about what you're eating. It's a day to have fun, relax, and be THANKFUL for all you have. This doesn't mean I'm going to eat as much as I can possibly stuff into me. It just means that I'm not going to stress out about counting calories. I have THREE Thanksgivings to attend and two birthday parties to throw for my son in the next 2 weeks. So I am going to be working out non stop!!
  • personally i'm not worrying. its a holiday. for my family its all about spending time together, cooking delicious food, and then eating it. we tend to not eat much in the way of lunch on thanksgiving day and then we also tend to eat a super light breakfast. i'm going to try to portion control and also everything that i cook personally is going to be a low cal version (luckily i'm in charge of baked goods and i'm awesome at making lower cal baked goods that still taste just as good!)

    my latest blog is my menu for thanksgiving this year if anyone wants to check it out.
  • Jess116
    Jess116 Posts: 57 Member
    Me and some friends are doing a "Turkey Trot 5k at 7:30am and then portion control.:smile::smile:

    lol i wish i had friends that were willing!!!

    Me too! It sounds like fun! I'm counting calories as usual.

    Goron - what? No Thanksgiving in England? You can celebrate with us! lol
  • what's thanksgiving?


    Thanksgiving in a US holiday that we celebrate by eating a lot of food. Primarily turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing etc. Every household and ethnic background has some differences.

    Thanksgiving to us is to honor when the settlers first came to America and a successful harvest (w/ help of the native americans). so every year we "give thanks". That's about it in a nutshell.

    another easy way to think about it is as a harvest festival, because in its truest essence, thats what it is. :)
  • I'm planning to do healthier options, like more veggies and less sweets. Most of the thanksgiving foods in my opinion (not sweets) aren't that bad, cept the potatoes maybe, so i'm going to count calories just so i'm aware of what i'm consuming, workout and eat smaller portions and more often.
  • Jenn97355
    Jenn97355 Posts: 103 Member
    I have a goal to lose 6 lbs by then, so I have been seriously thinking about low calories days 2 days before...then SERIOUS portion control for Thanksgiving, and the DAY AFTER :bigsmile: I allow myself everything...just small amounts...
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Me and some friends are doing a "Turkey Trot 5k at 7:30am and then portion control.:smile::smile:
  • Exercise in the morning – heart pumping cardio and then portion control – we are having a Thanksgiving Potluck at work next Wednesday and that is what I am going to do that day also. :tongue:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!! Plan your day first by doing some research if you know you can not resist a slice of pumpkin pie find out how many calories there are in it before you go, and plan accordingly. If your going to say yes to one thing say no to another. I for one don't want one day to undo everything I have spent weeks on doing :noway:
    If you want to taste everything that is ok but instead of a spoonful think 2 tablespoons of everything. AND LOTS OF WATER!! Thanksgiving food is HIGH in calories AND the EVIL :devil: SODIUM!! PLUS By drinking a couple glasses of water prior to your feast you will feel fuller faster and won't over indulge.
    I LOVE The Big Planned 5K's and such Thanksgiving Morning GREAT IDEA!! Since the gyms will be closed we really do need to plan plan plan to get in a great burn on turkey day!!
    Most of all enjoy your day and the other things that come with these types of holidays besides the food!! :drinker:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thanksgiving is my favorite! Unfortunately it'll just be me my son and the hubby again, so we go far from overboard. Just a pork loin, some mashed potatoes, a veggie, some jello (a staple in my family for thanksgiving!) and maybe a pie.

    Were I at my folks house where there is food coming out your ears.... I'd probably eat a little light for the week, try to get a workout in Thanksgiving morning if at all possible, or even an evening walk, just to get another 200-400 cals, and then just eat what I want. It's one day and one day is really not going to ruin all your hard work - plus, I'm not in this to never indulge or enjoy myself ever again! I would just focus on eating until satisfied, and not until sick!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    im going to only eat sweet potatoes , no sugar , marshmallows, nuts........just plain, they have sugar already with out adding
    turkey breast meat, some string beans and one cup of stuffing...........thats it.

    also, Im going to plan on having 2 glasses of wine.....and still stay within my plan.............good question
  • sltx1002
    sltx1002 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm going to eat what I want until I'm full...instead of until I'm in pain! I might up my workouts for that week just to keep things in check.
  • smedlund
    smedlund Posts: 117 Member
    Here's my dilemma. I am going home for Thanksgiving and it's tradition that my dad and I along with 2 people we select that year, go to the Detroit Lions Thanksgiving Day game, which includes tailgating starting at 9:00am. We're doing breakfast and bloody marys so I don't think I will have much problem with that, but my mom always makes a Thanksgiving feast so that we have something to eat when we get home. I figure that I could splurge a little, within reason. I love sweet potatoes (without the gooey stuff) and my gramma's stuffing and green bean casserole too much, but if I only have a little, it will be ok. This year is all about moderation!!
  • annaruiz
    annaruiz Posts: 29 Member
    I'm going to eat what I want until I'm full...instead of until I'm in pain! I might up my workouts for that week just to keep things in check.

    i guess that can be my motto this year, because i always just eat and eat and eat! even though im already full! what doesnt help is that my family eats ALL DAY! all the food stays out so everyone can keep eating. so naturally i ignore the signs of being full. thats bad i know...
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