I look pregnant after eating anything (seriously!)



  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Hey, this happens to me too. For me, it ended up being that my core muscles were weak and flabby. Once I built stronger abs, the bloat dramatically decreased. That + staying constantly hydrated changed me for a whole year, I actually wore a bellyshirt in public!

    I'm flabby again, but I'm hitting the gym once more. I really do recommend building your abs, they snap into place when strong, Good luck!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Hey there, I’m 107 pounds and 5ft 3. I have a major major bloat too. I think it’s a bit bigger than you. I might see if I can take a picture. I also think it’s worse after certain foods. I might pop to the doctor! Feel free to check my food diary to see! Good luck x

    She hasn't been around in three and a half YEARS.

    it wouldn't matter if the original post was from the 1800s. People will keep answering and answering. :/

    Yep, cos they dont read thought answers before putting their own comments
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I keep thinking that maybe she's off caring for her 3 year old.

    But anyway, yes, I certainly hope that she fixed the issue, probably some kind of food sensitivity or allergy.

    I think the "why not search for a topic" is when people ask something that gets asked all the time (anyone keto? heard of ACV? how about that coconut oil? does eating after 6 pm make you fat?). I find it odd when someone ANSWERS a question someone asked 3 years ago.

    The "I have this issue too" thing is in the middle, but on the whole it's best to ask specific questions about your own situation in a new thread, especially if the other was years ago.

    I think Noel is right that it often happens because people are googling and join MFP to contribute to the thread.

    I googled "I look pregnant after eating anything" and this thread was the 7th in my search. lol They just join to see if they can seek answers to their own issues they maybe googling.... maybe?!?