Free weight workout ideas to look good in a bikini!

Hi guys
I've been doing body pump for about 18 months now (mixed in with lots of cardio) and seem to have got to a plateau with it. I've done a few sessions with free weights recently and am now thinking of ditching body pump altogether and replacing it with a free weight workout 2 or 3 times a week.
My aim is to lose a bit more weight (about half a stone) and ultimately I would love to have a kind of bikini fitness body!
The exercises I've been doing in the gym are bicep curls, tricep extensions, overhead presses, lat raises, upright rows and lunges. I've been doing 3 sets of 8 reps as heavy as I can manage. I also do spin once a week (so figure this covers my lower body), run twice a week and do yoga once a week. I watch what I eat but don't bother counting calories.
I would really appreciate any feedback on whether these are suitable exercises for the kind of body I'm after, and any additional advice.
Thanks guys!
Tina x


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Some good beginner books/routines, starting strength, strong curves, new rules of lifting. Or Stronglifts 5x5 website or there's loads of free routines on :)

    ETA: You can still do all of these at deficit till you've lost the weight you want to.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    Sounds like you want to do some body recomposition and cut down your body fat %. To do that effectively, it's probably a good idea to actually count calories so that you can be more confident that you're actually achieving a moderate calorie deficit.

    Keep up with the lifting, and maybe add in some more lower body weight/resistance workouts like squats and deadlifts. Spinning is great, but at the end of the day it is still just cardio, so it's a good idea to do some lower body heavy lifting as well. The rest of your weekly workout plan sounds good.

    But creating a calorie deficit is pretty crucial to cutting fat, so don't ignore that part of the equation.