Protein question?



  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I shoot for 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Most of my exercise comes from lifting heavy weights, so my muscles desperately need all the nourishment I can provide. I noticed a drastic improvement in recovery time when I upped my protein intake.
  • ashfranklin
    I'm gonna have to add my 2 cents here only because one of my clients did. I'm an RN, (bsn) Certified personal trainer with specialty in fitness nutrition. I do the nutrition counseling for a medical weight loss clinic and a gym (CrossFit). I am NOT an RD and personally, think that following the USDA food pyrmid is crap. Exactly how has that worked for the US?? Just wondering?? Anyway, you should focus mainly on protein and carbs in your diet. I also do not believe you can eat too many gs of protein. I usually recommend 1g per kg (2.2lbs) for my weightloss patients and at least 1g/lb for my athletes. CARBS are our enemy. New studies are coming out daily looking at long term weightloss of low carb vs low fat. winner... tie for weight loss over 5 yrs. HOWEVER, low carb takes the cake as far as lowering CAD risk factor. type 2 diab. on the rise due to the PROCESSED carbs in our diet. FDA regulates our FOOD and DRUG industry. Who's pockets are getting fat?? Not mine, at least now that I QUIT working for big pharma!! So you need about 40-45% of cal. from protein then fat and only about 25% from carbs (maybe only 20%) Working with high endurance athletes is PROOF our bodies don't need carbs. We can convert fat and extra protein to glycogen for energy. Keep up the good work!! is a good website for anyone interested in learning to eat REAL food and lose REAL fat!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • cavycity
    cavycity Posts: 24 Member
    "Chicken, salmon, tuna (no more then twice a week), shrimp, turkey, steak > any processed protein source in the world."

    TateFTW, do you have protein suggestions for vegetarians? You seem to know what you're talking about. I'm getting tired of the same old eggs and protein shake.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I'm gonna have to add my 2 cents here only because one of my clients did. I'm an RN, (bsn) Certified personal trainer with specialty in fitness nutrition. I do the nutrition counseling for a medical weight loss clinic and a gym (CrossFit). I am NOT an RD and personally, think that following the USDA food pyrmid is crap. Exactly how has that worked for the US?? Just wondering?? Anyway, you should focus mainly on protein and carbs in your diet. I also do not believe you can eat too many gs of protein. I usually recommend 1g per kg (2.2lbs) for my weightloss patients and at least 1g/lb for my athletes. CARBS are our enemy. New studies are coming out daily looking at long term weightloss of low carb vs low fat. winner... tie for weight loss over 5 yrs. HOWEVER, low carb takes the cake as far as lowering CAD risk factor. type 2 diab. on the rise due to the PROCESSED carbs in our diet. FDA regulates our FOOD and DRUG industry. Who's pockets are getting fat?? Not mine, at least now that I QUIT working for big pharma!! So you need about 40-45% of cal. from protein then fat and only about 25% from carbs (maybe only 20%) Working with high endurance athletes is PROOF our bodies don't need carbs. We can convert fat and extra protein to glycogen for energy. Keep up the good work!! is a good website for anyone interested in learning to eat REAL food and lose REAL fat!!

    I totally agree. I follow the primal blueprint from Mark. I (try to) eat a lot of protein (>100g), fat (~70), and keep my carbs less than 80g per day... something is working! :-)